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Everything posted by Phill-W68

  1. BASC for me, airgun only at the moment, but contemplating going fac!.
  2. That top picture goes to show the camo stock works very well blends in great with it's background, and how much the action stands out...
  3. A trade off is not a friend/mate in my books,sneaky trick to even try, seems like a sly dog to me, I would stay well clear,pick up a 2nd hand combo to get out there keep the landowner happy and fcuk your so called mate,as others have said why can't he get out their getting his own perms....Good luck with whichever road you take bud...
  4. Not a lot considering what i paid but,couldn't get close to that selling private so im happy enough...
  5. Just hoping this hw110 is as good as it's made out to be, it's got a lot to stand up to as the hw100 is spot on..
  6. I was pretty happy...considering the hw110 is not that much dearer
  7. I couldn't get close to £500 selling private so why not,it wasn't getting used.....
  8. Well after many failed attempts to sell the bsa r10 private it wouldn't sell more than likely as it was 25cal sub 12,so I took it one gun shop for a part-ex it had a hawke 3-9x50 scope on it a bipod, bottle and barrel cover and bsa padded gun bag the shop offered me £290 part-ex,so i walked out slightly disheartened to say the least,so after a chat with another rfd ,i took it down and they offered me £500 part-ex so it was a handshake, job done,so on it's way is a the hw110 in 177 flavour....just got to decide now if to mount the photon on the hw110 or viper pro....
  9. Your certainly putting a dent in the squirrel population on your perms, nice shooting ....?
  10. Exactly what I was thinking mate BUT it's not my permission the inlaw I go with it's his so might have to work my way in slowly, but we went for a look round yesterday and a few hours shooting today and never seen a rabbit so maybe they are wary through the day as you say....but night time I would of thought would produce more.....
  11. Didn't see any rabbits again today but sure enough the signs are there...
  12. Got more pics but won't let me upload them
  13. Had a couple this morning off the feeder 19yds away out of the car,pics below with a few of his land,but only stayed in the gardens today...
  14. Will try n take some pics tomorrow...
  15. Well got a shock of a phone call a couple of days ago,the in-law I go metal detecting with every now and then, has permission to detect on and shoot the rabbits and squirrels,he can only go so often tho,so he asked the owner could he bring me along as I do a bit of pest control too,the owner was over the moon and they seem to have a lot of pests,it's not a farm but a HALL with 300 acres yep 300 acres,we can go anywhere on the 300 acres but he said for now can we concentrate on the HALL gardens as rabbits/squirrels are making a mess,so the inlaw took me round today for a mooch wow the HALL stan
  16. 78yds, killing machine that impact mate...nice shot
  17. Nice bit of kit there mate, nice shot too, another squirrel gone to heaven, did you send the stock off to be dipped?
  18. Just got back from Mcavoy guns,oooh the hw110 does fit nice, feels good and stable in the hand, seems good for standing shots once a bit of weight added with a scope, got a good deal part-ex aswell on the bsa r10...so more than likely be orderi g one in the early new year.. Well two of em as My brother-in-law wants one too.....
  19. Wouldn't of thought attaching the pard would make a change to your POI?
  20. Been looking at these but not seen or held one yet as local RFD never has them in for more than a day or so, so after a bit of cold calling today Mcavoy guns have a 2nd hand one Instock so I'm off there tomorrow to have a look and a hold see how it feels in the hand, but still not sure whether 177 or 22!!!, it's for a daytime gun as the hw100 is now dedicated to nighttime.
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