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Everything posted by Haystack

  1. I agree with above. They are a fine size for any ferret, they are a bit bigger, but about the same size as a one pence piece.
  2. Ahoo! very nice indeed, good stalking.
  3. Well, at least take pride in the fact that your misfortune just put a smile on my face
  4. I would also consider taking half the net if split
  5. Yeah, some more info would be great.
  6. Blue rock? If it was so bloody small - why the hell where you blasting away at it anyhow?
  7. Beacuse there hypocrites,,,I watched that RSPCA programme on telly not so long ago and they had released a Squirell they had in care back into the wild,,Last time i checked i swear this was an illeigal act only if its a grey The law changed a while back. It's now legal to re-releace Grey squirrels in Countys where red squirrels do not habitat at all.
  8. Crumble up some Vesta match heads, stuff them into an airgun pellet, fire it out at night, and you have your very own airgun tracers! (for about 4 metres worth, at any rate)
  9. Easton College in Norfolk does NVQ/FD/ND in Countryside management / Gamekeeping and holds it's own shoot. (700 birds or so)
  10. Walk into your gunshop, and ask the dealer to do you a deal. I did this, got a MK3M Locater + Coller for £118.
  11. Yep, - though an Ungodly amount of time wasters (9 different people deciding they don't want a total of 22 ferrets), I've been left with alot of sodding ferrets, and I don't feel it is fair to keep them in there current housing as it's starting to get cramped, and food is costing a fortune.. - Albino jills/hobs. Good working stock, - 9 weeks old. Collection from Wymondham. Please PM me if intrested.
  12. I have 9 week old albino kits for sale. From a good solid working stock, - but also eaisly handled and would make suitable pets. £8 per, I have plenty of hobs and jills, of all sizes. Please feel free to PM me with any questions Cheers Andrew
  13. Firstly, I know this is a bit cheeky asking this because of my low post count, but I can assure you that I'm one of those chaps who lurks about online reading all the posts, but never has to much to say. Now, after getting into long netting around 4 months ago, I've had some sucessful trips but I have come to realise that I have a couple of areas on a very public farm, that can't be shot, - and normal access is very hard to do in the stealthy manor in which to long-net. Anyhow, my first question is does anyone have around 120 Yards of nylon/hemp (10z or so) that I can use to hold up my
  14. Sorry, I'm in wymondham norfolk were abouts are you
  15. I have a bunch of ferret kits, ready to be-homed. They are now all older than 8 weeks old. They are all Albino - and come in every size. (From very small to very large). £8 per. Please leave me a PM if intrested. - I can also be contacted on pigeonwatch under the name ''Bleeh'' Cheers Andrew.
  16. Albino ferret kits from 2009, come from a long line of working stock on both sides. Will be ready to leave there mum within 4 weeks, just giving an early posting to tell so, if intrested, you will have plenty of time to sort out hutches etc. Looking at around £8 each, but if you buy a bunch, we can work something out. (we'll round it to the nearest £5 or something) Pictures (taken a week ago) Collection from Wymondham, Norfolk. Please send me a PM if intrested, or you can contact me via pigeon watch under the name 'Bleeh'
  17. Well, I'm feeling the pinch, and I've got to get rid of my beloved GP as I just simply don't use it anymore. If you've never had a GP before, I'd recommend it as they are quiet odd looking, and handling gun, with a martini action you're unlightly to see on another shotgun. The thing is big, heavy, and kicks like a mule. You're going to love it!. Anyways, looking for about £130 ono, And I'm always up to trades. Pics are as follows. (notice the orginal studs for a sling) More photo's on request.
  18. If they ever banned Ferrets for that reason, they would have to ban millions of cats at the same time.
  19. It was one of the first traps Mr Fenn ever came up with, mate. Invented in response to the (then) MAFF asking inventive types to get their thinking caps on and come up with a replacement for the (again, then) soon to be completely abolished Gin. It was, in all honesty, a total abortion. It was made out what ammounted to little more than fence wire and wouldn't have lasted five minutes in real world use. It would've just buckled itself on the first gray squirrel it ever encountered for a start. Fair to say, it was fairly riddled with nasty little design faults and was slung back at hi
  20. Double that, and we'll talk... And, everyone is right, they are brilliant little killers, They've got a nice rust cover on them and I'm happy with the results I'm getting, why did they ever stop making these little beasts? And, can Anyone tell me about the ''Fenn Mk I Vermin'' I'm intrested to learn about them
  21. Hey, A few weeks ago, I stumpled upon three fenn traps, each one was stamped with ''mk 1'' and are of pretty standard style from their jaws are rounded and of a half circle style on each. Each one is in a fine working/killing condition, and I lent them to a mate, so I'll try to get some pictures up later this week, but they are of the same size as a more known mk6. But, I'm having great trouble finding anyone to ask about the traps worth as a colletors item? are they rare at all? I've never really seen any like them. So, is there anyone that can give me either any infomation ab
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