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Everything posted by Lurcherman332

  1. Anybody no if earthdogrunning mags are still going
  2. Looking for some information of people who are currently running dave platts stuff not interested in past dogs, heard the new generation ain't much cop but I wanna hear opinions from people running them currently. Thanks very much
  3. I think people using nite vision has changed the game to you can hit big numbers with nite vision and rabbits don’t even no your there it’s a massive shame used to have huge numbers and it look like they were making a come back this year but towards end of July just seemed to of vanished
  4. Well went for a shine tonight mainly to see what the numbers were like on my permission. Out for 3 hrs not the best conditions bit light and wet but all in all seen 2 rabbits and 2 Billy’s which I wouldn’t even entertain with my bitch. Used to be loads of rabbits around mid wales not anymore disheartening is the only thing I can say and hard to get your dog in shape and top of there game when you don’t see nothing. Anybody else seeing a huge decline in numbers around there permission
  5. Cheers everyone got one ordered keen to get it and get out for a mouch
  6. Hi all I’m after a new lamp looked at the clulite plr 509 just wondering if anyone is using this lamp and if they can recommend it! Thanks in advance
  7. Yeah find they very sensitive compared to other xs you gotta take a different approach with them
  8. She’s 15 months just turned so still learning but becoming a brilliant dog and a pleasure to own
  9. Gotta say I’m converted too won’t look back now
  10. Well took a big leap of faith with my bitch having such a good collie grey for marking and ferreting all round really had my heart set out for another one. Whilst looking for one I came across a beddy whippet greyhound and after reading up about the x I thought I’d have ago. After many choice words, tantrums and hard work she really is proving to be a top notch dog marking is second to none catching bolting rabbits obedience and mostly her heart what a dog so happy everything paid off and if any ferreting man is looking for a hard working dog with brilliant Capabilities Don’t over look a bedl
  11. One more for the freezer 1 slip 1 catch taking well to this lamping malarkey brought back live to hand
  12. No lap of honour she wasn’t quiet sure what to do with it she held it for a few seconds then brought it back steady but she came back rabbit live more catches the better the retrieve hopefully all in all though was really happy
  13. Update for everyone! been out twice this week first night still looking around not watching the beam then last rabbi we seen she spots it then game on close one almost picked it but managed to escape but the penny finally dropped. Been out tonight seen a few rabbits only slipped her on one she followed the beam slipped her really good course and had her first catch she’s going from strength to strength and couldn’t be happier gonna take it easy with her now and bring her on gradually got the bug now though would be out every night if it was possible ? that’s for the advice people worked out w
  14. Cheers shaark nothing more rewarding watching the work pay off
  15. Well after all the hard work and challenges training it’s finally paid off took my pup out today ferreting, nice cold morning bit of frost lack of rabbits have made it hard to get the dog around any rabbits but this morning I got her on a nice little warren 6 holes and bolted 2 in the nets dog covered the nets nicely so I thought I’d leave a net off and if one bolted she could run it and I sat her down and within a few moments could hear bumping the dogs ears were pinned up and just as that rabbit bolted the dog was there and snapped it up straight out the hole brought it back live and release
  16. Cheers for the reply’s people just going to give her the time she needs and keep up with her basic training she will come when she’s ready maybe a few months down the line il get her out around some rabbits maybe another dog not to slip together but to watch how it’s done thank you for the help much appreciated
  17. Exactly what I watched mate basically did my training with her from that thanks for advice mate il get someone out with me on the dummy or maybe take her out and let her see some rabbits moving on the lamp just to get her attention
  18. Thanks for the reply mate! She retrieved we’ll day and night I’ve done basics sit stay recall all bang on point now with her can get her to sit stay.throw a dummy and then send her out for it had her out ferreting but due to rabbit population not seen a lot! I’ve tried throwing it short but she can see the dummy so she’s not really using the beam I can throw one out on field walk away with her and then put the lamp on it and she won’t look down beam even walk right up to it and she’s looking everywhere bar the beam it’s frustrating maybe if she seen a rabbit on the move or dummy on move the pe
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