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Everything posted by sionnach99

  1. RIP rags , and thanks very much to the man off here who gave me her. She was a great one.
  2. Anyone on here know if they work terriers to ground in Australia?
  3. It will be banned here to but it doesn’t really matter. Everyone will still hunt here. There’s no public footpaths. Much more rural and farmers are on our side. Have permission keep things right and look after the farmers and there’s not much can be done. We haven’t enough Gardai in towns and cities to police things don’t mind out the country . Garda stations closed down in every village in the country. Worse things going on in the world than a bit of hunting. It will die out on its own before then anyway cause no young people are arsed with it anymore all they want is go to college take a Hap
  4. Quad terrier box and tool box wanted in Ireland , no timber. Chequer plate type I’m after . Thanks
  5. A man I know bought garmin box and collars from America but the won’t work here in Ireland. Has anyone else had this problem is there anyway to get them working .
  6. I thought that’s what it might be, nice bitch
  7. Is that a chocolate dog or is it just the picture makes it look that way
  8. Out this morning to try a few fox earths no joy. Young ‘Popeye’ bitch on the left only one dig over her so far just started. has a bad Eye since birth.
  9. I’m sure lots will tell you there is and ask big money, just be careful, best of look in your search
  10. Out with hounds today bolted one , dug one. Good days hunting
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