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Everything posted by lurcherchavvy

  1. i wouldnt mind going wolf hunting with the right dog i bet its a good little sport that dog looks great
  2. i hardly have any runs on rabbits any more there are never any about where there used to always be loads and in october i saw loads of rabbits with myxy
  3. the antis have spoilt it for everyone because i would of liked to of coursed hares legally and i would of liked my children to be able to course them legally and maybe have the chance to go to the waterloo cup and see some brilliant courses (no children yet )
  4. i got a training lead from a gunshop and just cut the bottom off and mine dont hurt at all i used to use the blue ropey stuff and it used to rip me hand to pieces
  5. shame i had pups and the dam nicked but got the dam back cause she was chipped
  6. my missus talks in her sleeps freeks me right out i wake up and its like shes acting out her dream
  7. lamp through the week out at the crack of dawn on sundays or saturdays have a couple of hours out until you see farmers and then you f*ck off before the f*ckers get the pigs out
  8. im nineteen mate i had the same trouble when i first drove at 17 and i tried getting my vauxhall astra 1.4 litre insured and found the cheapest to be about £1800 keep trying mate you will find the cheaper go on websites like compare.com or comparethemarket.com and fill in the details and see what it comes up with its true try and get a smal engined motor 14. litre and below otherwise the insurance will definetly be dear what sort of car do you want mate and whatever you do dont get insured on your mums or dadsinsurance and be a named driver because once the insurance has ended youll b
  9. my dog does it all the time i heard that its supposed be like a medicine to them
  10. if you still got the fuse on it check it aint blown
  11. would be a hare dog which could get a fox, ive seen some good little dogs on foxes pre ban of course
  12. i had this problem with my dog everytime we went up the park this little terrier terrorised my pup now hes older he hates terriers or any little dog and he tries to kill them hes a f*cker when i go bushing
  13. what car you been looking at
  14. i like the sound of the deerhunter trousers just had a look at a few pairs but there a bit over my budget where did you boys get yours from and how much are they also has anyone got the barbour endurances and what are they like
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