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Everything posted by MeanGreenUnseen

  1. The decoyman uses tame ducks and his dog to lure ducks. I want to see if its possible to create a new duck decoy somewhere in England.
  2. @dazbrowne 13 How funny is that! Hope you had a great time here in the Netherlands. I'm in Leiden quite often. Leiden is beautiful right? The old city centre with early 17th century gates and medieval churches.
  3. Thanks everyone. @ Matthew Roots Hunting in the Netherlands is nearly impossible with all the rules, high costs and too few hunting grounds. I live in Noordwijk(flowerbulb region), close to Leiden and The Hague.
  4. Thank you for your reply Forest of dean redneck. Sadly enough I do not own one at the moment, but I do know how to work with them. A Kooikerhondje is a very enthusiastic little dog and also a wonderful type of breed to go on a small game hunt with.
  5. Hello everyone, I'm a young "Decoyman" from the Netherlands. A Decoyman is someone who uses (tame)ducks and a structure to catch wildfowl, consisting of a central pond and radiating water-filled arms. Recently I found out that England has it's own duck decoys and I'm hoping to come into contact with people who know more about this. I wonder if in the UK it is legal to use the duck decoy as a hunting method. Decoyman is a dying profession and I'm trying to keep it alive. My dream would be to maintain several duck decoys throughout Europe together with other hunters and outdoor enth
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