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About Mat_1994

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  1. thanks for your response mate I've took notes! Christ lol I took hunter out for a walk a few days ago and when a jogger came round the corner he tried running the opposite way.. we'll get there! ?
  2. That's exactly what he's like mate I'll try my best to let him get used to every single thing around him without pushing him. Thanks for the advice
  3. Thanks for your comment skycat, I was hoping you'd comment as I've read loads of good posts from you. If for example I'm walking him and another dog appears and he gets scared, should I pick him up or get down to his level to let him know everything's alright? Thanks again!
  4. Thanks for your tips deffo noted mate! How would you say is the best way to tell him off when biting? I don't want to tap his nose or anything is it best to just move him off me?
  5. Got my boy hunter when he was 12 weeks old, 15 weeks now (a woman actually bought him when he was 8weeks old then decided she didn't have time for him) He's a greyhound saluki x greyhound whippet collie. He settled in fine no problems at all he's biting quite abit but I'm pretty sure he's just playing it's not aggressive. I took him to his first puppy training class tonight as he needs to socialise more. He's very scared and timid around other people/dogs. This ended up with him being chased by about 15 other puppies running for his life. Tonight really showed me just how worr
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