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Everything posted by Pesto

  1. I use the same ones I use for my vape mod - don't really notice anything different to be honest, although I've never just left it switched on to see how battery life compares.
  2. I use both Combro and Crony F1. Crony F1 pros Display reads to 0.1 ft/s (ie., 850.3 ft/s) Stand alone unit Crony F1 cons You need illuminators if you're using it indoors or you'll keep getting errors Bulky to carry around Combro pros Very portable Easy to align if you also buy the alignment tool for it Combro cons Have to attach it to the muzzle (I use electrical tape, but folks use rubber bands, velcro straps, etc.) Display rounds up to the nearest ft/s (ie., 850 ft/s) Both are reasonably accurate The combro is always with me when I'm shooting at the range - ve
  3. Hello all, Airgun shooter from London, relatively new to the sport but always looking to gain experience. I'm a BASC member, and currently provide pest control at two permissions in north west London. I'm looking for ways to improve my accuracy, and well come any tips and advice I can find. I've recently become a springer fan, and have been enjoying learning to shoot my sub-12 underlever consistently. Hope to make friends here! Cheers
  4. On my HW100/HW110 I get about 20 fills from a 300 bar 4L dive bottle. I shoot to 90 bar, and fill up to 200 bar. I get infinite fills on my HW97 Cheers
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