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About mageesy

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    Rookie Hunter

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  1. bunnyboiler you could be right,pal, but ,it would be with non uk collars and boxes, anyone know anything about codes for the American devices,from a company called gps4u.com
  2. this is an epidemic ...changed aerial,its not the aerial ...but check the wire that runs from the small gps into the collar on the t5 il have a look into the dc 40 and dc 50 ...also check your software firmware ...do this press menu twice....go down to setup...hit enter...scroll to about ...hit enter and check your software version
  3. hi guys need help bought box and collar and its tracking to the point where I added the collar and not tracking the collar when the dog is of running,any help much appreciated
  4. Bellman and flint make absolutely nothing,they are 2 sales people for these guys http://www.girsberger-elektronik.ch/service-girsberger-products-en...and if you read the top of the page 2 years warranty,but when you buy a collar from bellman,you get 1 years warranty... send in your collar ...to be fixed they wont check serial over the phone ,,excuse data protection act or I'm not in front of computer...aye dead on if you send in your callar and its 14mths old they wont fix it ,,,they will get you to buy a new one...and take your cash . .then .send your 14mth old collar back to company in
  5. brilliant mate well stated,,,they are ignorant but if you say you wanna buy sumfin ,,,oh your woman emmas voice changes...to how do you wanna pay
  6. their customer service is useless ,collar 14mths old ,kept as backup,wasnt charging rang to get battery replaced was told nah ,you r gonna waste your money posting it to us and it would be better if you bought a new one ,,,aye right,,,pity there wasn't another source for collars which are made by barryvox,and those dsp sports bellman are selling for £250 plus postage can be sourced much cheaper.. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Pieps-DSP-SPORT-digitales-Lawinenverschütteten-Suchgerät/371588886980?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649 happy hunting
  7. their customer service is useless ,collar 14mths old ,kept as backup,wasnt charging rang to get battery replaced was told nah ,you r gonna waste your money posting it to us and it would be better if you bought a new one ,,,aye right,,,pity there wasn't another source for collars which are made by barryvox,and those dsp sports bellman are selling for £250 plus postage can be sourced much cheaper.. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Pieps-DSP-SPORT-digitales-Lawinenverschütteten-Suchgerät/371588886980?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649 happy hunting
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