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Everything posted by littlegee1988

  1. I only put the odd little bit of bait out now at dusk just so I can check in the morning if they're still active down there, I spied this one out the window when I was making tea and decided to try and lure him out haha. I got one parent a few weeks back bud and it seemed to make them extra skittish after that's why I'm try more liquid/paste baits. Got this one on just a little pile of wheat I use to fill the feeders, was strutting round my garden like he owed the place, his sense of entitlement was short lived... must have caught him in the jugular too cause it was a wierd back of the hea
  2. Finally got one, just a head poking out from the wall, thought I'd missed for a few seconds, then he rolled out stone dead. Hit lower than I intended, shooter error.
  3. I was just looking at them the other day I may have to try one of nothing's comes up with the methods I'm trying now, solid and liquid bait. They're going for both but so damn skittish they won't sit still for a spilt second. I'm currently laid just inside the doorway resting on my gun bag awaiting my scaley tailed adversaries to give me a clean shot
  4. Been struggling to find a new permission since I've moved house and after a few failed attempts yesterday I was flicking through my pictures and was reminded of a permission I used to shoot with a friend in the absence of the fella who originally had it but was away due to recovering from an operation. It was literally riddled with rabbits and where I got my best bags from stalking. The hedgerows and fields looked like swiss cheese and quite a few were unsuitable for grazing so we always brought a good few to book every visit.
  5. And I've seen starlings eat alsorts like bacon fat, ham, cheese, dog food, rabbit food, literally anything really ...and people call pigeons sky rats ha
  6. Just what I'd heard on a video by a south African hunter/conservationist on YouTube, maybe miss heard him and they just steal the nests, either way something pushed 2 eggs out of a nest in my garden
  7. They are like swarms of insects round where I live
  8. Then I suppose it would more be the passing of knowledge through the generations, the same way a predator would teach it's young to hunt, the likes of "prey" animals if you would will pass on knowledge of danger, as I say I'm purely speculating as I'm no expert. "The hunter's greatest weapon is their mind"
  9. And I do actually have some live traps in the back of the shed I've had a good while, may just stick them down and dispatch with the air rifle. "The hunter's greatest weapon is their mind"
  10. It was one of the first things I noticed about their behaviour when I started shooting rats, I always imagined it had become part of their instinct, the same as the way majority of humans have a fear or spiders and snakes because they could cause serious injury or death if bitten and it's been known for many a century now but that's just my uneducated theory lol "The hunter's greatest weapon is their mind"
  11. Neophobia that's a new one to me, learn something new everyday, I suppose if your species had been getting poisoned in various ways for 100s of years you would be that bit more cautious haha. Thank you very much for the reply mate I think I only have a few young'ns down the bottom of my garden so shouldn't take make to get rid of them "The hunters greatest weapon is their mind"
  12. It's just a suet feeder screwed to the tree and then pinned down into the soil with little stainless pegs, but my thinking is that solid food can be put in there and has to be nibbled at and can't be taken away (I just used the little pegs I got with my mini greenhouse to pin it down, most garden centres have them). "The hunters greatest weapon is their mind"
  13. I don't know about any of you folks out there but I dont get alot of joy with peanut butter, chocolate spreads and other liquid baits. I've also tried coffee grounds and other things powdered down like bird fatballs but always get little to no interest. It basically seems to me that if it's a foreign food to them they're extremely weary of it, where as something they know like say a little pile of grain on a run down the side of a store they've been raiding they will stop for, I've seen similar with fish food pellets on trout farms. If it's not the source they moved in for and are clearly used
  14. I have a a question for some one a bit more clued up on the behaviour of Britain's native birds. I was recently watching an airarms SA video on YouTube and starlings are still on the general license there not just because of their sheer numbers but the fact that they have been turfing the eggs of rare parrots out of nests and laying there own in place so the unsuspecting parrots will raise thier young for them. Now that's south Africa I know but I have a very large conifer at the bottom of my garden, practically an avian hotel and when I came home from work today found 2 what I'm guessing are
  15. Many thanks for the warm welcome, still very much a novice so look forward to speaking to and learning from you all Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk
  16. Many congratulations mate! To yourself and the dad Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk
  17. Just enough room to lie prone with the door closed behind
  18. It gets better I have short corridor leading up to my back door with another door about 6 feet back I can close off to keep the house warm and me out of any rain
  19. Thanks for all the advice peeps, they've taken straight to the little blobs of gravy and I'm busy sussing out their feeding pattern as we speak, waiting to strike....
  20. Still a novice to the shooting/countrylife but have become completely enthralled in it all, more so than anything the conservation side since receiving my first small piece of permission with a house I rented a few years back. I have recently given that up due to one particular person that lived on the land whom I had a few disagreements with over the way he kept his animals but that's another story. In short I made alot of very good acquaintances through starting an instagram page dedicated to it and would now like to branch out and meet more like minded people through this forum. I'm curre
  21. Plenty gravy in so il just keep at it with that and il let u know how I get on Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk
  22. As it happens I've just put a little puddle of gravy down in a few spots because I don't have any peanut butter in, tree rats enjoyed that as their last meal haha but hoping the warm aroma of gravy will do the trick Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk
  23. I was talking to an old school shooter I work with today and he suggested some sort of meat paste or blended up catfood, not sure the Mrs would go for me using the blender for that though haha and it was a funny angle I caught it on, definite headshot by the way the eyes are bulging but must have caught the jugular on route
  24. I have an old stone wall at the very bottom of my garden which a family of rats have moved into by excavating more cement out of the already weathered stonework creating a network of tunnels within I've already taken one with a clean headshot leaving a small patch of wheat down as a bait point My question to anyone reading is have you actually had any luck using these apart super baits for rats such as, nutella or peanut butter, I've found they only immediately take to whichever food source they initially moved in on for example, grain in a farm shed, or peanuts from a bird feeder
  25. Thanks for all the input people il be doing alot more research on the near future to be sure I make the right decisions
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