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Everything posted by ad22

  1. Ok thanks alot skycat, i thought it was a bit severe for a normal problem. I dont mind loosing a few we are not serious pest controllers or anything. I will just keep on being calm with her and i'll try getting her use to beam off and back, sounds like a great idea to practice in the park with retrieving with the lamp, thanks! Yes she comes back to call whenever we are out on walks etc. and she comes back pretty quickly most the time when we are out lamping aswell, it is since she caught a rabbit without aid of the lamp she has been searching around for a little longer than usual. Maybe i
  2. My youngest puppy's dam was supposedly a deerhound/whippet, she certainly looked like what i would have thought a whippet deerhound cross would look like. Sire was a collie/greyhound. Here is a pic of the pup.
  3. Very nice looking pup there, how old? Is it solid blue? Should muscle up beautifully with that breeding. How big was the dam/sire?
  4. Thanks SJM good advice. When we go out i would call it a good hours hunting when we get maybe 6-7 slips. Most evenings are more like be 3 though. A couple of nights ago it was fairly windy, and we were out for an hour and had 6 of what i thought were good runs, we caught 2 rabbits both after good courses. She missed her chances on picking up whilst running and instead pulled them from cover. She seems to be learning in stages and using one techniqe at a time, I can see that it is slowly coming together, she just needs to grab her opportunity whilst still running the rabbit and mak
  5. I thought it would be intresting to do some geography and find out what sort of land is local to everybody, what game does it hold and in what numbers eg. lots/little? And where that you have been so far that is your ideal hunting ground that pre ban you could go on a holiday to fill your boots so to speak? I am in the west midlands/warwickshire are.. My local hunting ground is mainly arable fields of wheat etc., the fields are largeish maybe 50-150 acres with drainage ditches running around the sides of them, with a hedge to one side of the ditch, this is where rabbits have their war
  6. Thanks for the advice so far guys, its nice to know that it is a common problem. Hopefully she will settle down a bit. Here is a pic of her as a pup about 6 months old, we were up on the welsh hills where we had some great first catches on some myxi rabbits, they could certainly run, but they didn't seem to be able to find their way to safety through the gaps under the fence due to them not being able to see properly. Ideal easy catches for a young dog i think.
  7. Hi all, Let me tell you a bit about the start of my first season with my lurcher and the problems that have occured. My lurcher is nearly a year old, she was a very bright and obedient puppy but since her season has become a little more strong willed and seems to think she knows best lol, she is a collie/greyhound/beardie/greyhoundxbull/greyhound. This is my first lurcher so I have lots to learn and unfortunately I don't know any other lurcher people so I have been going about it myself. I have been taking her out since august, at first we went out at late evening (still light) whe
  8. Hi everyone, I thought i would introduce myself. I'm a fairly recent lurcher man, although i have been shooting since i was 11. I have had my first lurcher for a year, she is a bull/greyhound X collie/greyhound/whippet, I have been lamping with her for a couple of months now, only going out for an hour at a time and just picking off 1 or 2 rabbits a night, taking it nice and slowly to start with, she took her 1st sitter last night which i was very pleased with. I am passionate about lurchers and the countryside and spend most of my time with my dogs or trying to learn as much
  9. Its a decent dvd for the money, though picture quality on the first two lamping films is poor, but it has some good coursing. Well worth a few £ i would say.
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