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About Hendagger

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  1. Thanks for that mate. Pretty brutal story but I think like you say most will be show dog types now.
  2. Ok will do mate. Also I’m quite new to this forum is there a way of adding to the chat without quoting people?
  3. Oh well from the sounds of it they probably aren’t as good for rabbits as I may have thought but might manage the odd on or two. I will probably look at other breeds as well, but still like the borzoi.
  4. Guard dog was the wrong wording on my behalf all I meant was there a bit of a larger dog than others and I had heard a story that a borzoi that bit and broke a burglars arm. However guard dog was the wrong phrase to use.
  5. I’ve done some more looking and yeah a pure bred will get rabbits but not with the regularity of a purpose bred lurcher how ever I think a few rabbits now and then is a fair trade off given there ability with other larger types of game and given the other attributes of the breed such as their guard dog ability’s. All in all I’d say I still like the breed a lot and they seem a pretty good all round dog to have.
  6. I was wondering if anyone had any experience with working with borzois (Russian Wolfhound) I really this dog in fact would say overall my favourite breed. I know there used in Russia for killing wolfs and deer even hares. Was thinking of getting one as a pet but also to do some rabbiting, although there not the ideal breed for that more of a big game hunter but still very fast (supposedly 4th fasted breed in the world). So dose anyone know of borzois being used for rabbits and how effective are they at rabbiting both day and night.
  7. Hi everyone I have a 3 year old whippet (ex show dog) and am looking to learn more about lamping and field sports in general. I enjoy wild camping fishing and catapult shooting. I look forward to hearing all the great advice and getting involved with all the great conversations. ?
  8. Very good looking dog can imagine it's great for rabbits and a lot more
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