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Paul Sullivan

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About Paul Sullivan

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  1. Thanks to you all for the welcome, when I'm not deflecting bullshit I like to get out ferreting and more with my team, come September I'll have a few stories and photos to share Currently running 3 lurchers and have a bushing Patterdale, I keep between 6 and 10 ferrets normally, the best ones get to stay, the rest will make good pets or part timers for someone, I have a lot of work to do this winter and have a photographer on hand so should get a few good bits to share
  2. My work is 100% guaranteed for the natural life of the leather and I'm happy to show anyone the raw product. I have a simple philosophy-buy the best materials available and carry out the work to the very best of my ablity, and as a method, it works. I supply 4 top quality retail outlets and sell thousands of products per year worldwide with two orders off to North America this month alone. All this is made possible because I concentrate on quality and trying to do the best job in crafting the best product I possibly can; not making up stories about other people who do what I do and trying t
  3. And you can back all this up I presume, what with it being actual libel and all? You have NEVER spoken to me and the rest of what you have said is made up, fact. Is there no end to this? All you do is talk about me. Where are these people that have complained to you about my gear? When did we talk? When did I say I invented anything? Mate you seriously need to have a word with yourself.
  4. Hi everyone, this is my first post. I'm 45, from Lancashire and I work 3 lurchers and a terrier and shoot occasionally when time permits which, unfortunately is rare. I also run a small business designing and making hand crafted leather goods, lurcher, terrier and hound tackle in particular but commissioned items as well including bags and blade sheaths. I've also just reread this and I sound like a contestant on Blind Date. Cheers everyone, good to be here.
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