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Everything posted by Hawk17

  1. Dog or cat meat won't do them any harm! People have fed them on his for years and alpha ferret food is totally healthy.
  2. Of course they have plenty grub, the get alpha ferret food twice daily! The bowl is never empty and they get cat or dog meat on top. They will get rabbit meat too when I get them out working.
  3. The hob is not in season or he would be trying the euro Jill. There was four in together
  4. They have been separated until its able to defend itself. The hob doesn't try picking on my strong Euro Jill.
  5. It was a different sound from what they do when they play hard, and it was a Jill kit and there is a Hob same age and no it's balls haven't dropped yet. Do you think it would kill it or not?
  6. So last night I let the dog out and I could hear my 8 week old kit crying from 30 ft away, because it is so small and can't get up and down the ladder I thought it might have fell down and maybe it can't get up and it is trying to get somebody's attention. So when I opened the cage my larger Hob that is 6 months old had hold of it by the neck and just came over with it in his mouth. Like a dog fetching a rabbit, so I tapped him on the head with my phone, just a quick reaction and he dropped the kit the next thing he tried grabbing him again. So I've had to separate them. Has anybody else
  7. Nice small Hobs, I might need a good working Hob to line my Jill's next year
  8. Does anybody build hutches or is there any cheap 9mm plywood about? , looking for a 4x2x2 with only a 1 foot bed area and 3 foot run. Atb
  9. Yes that's what I'm thinking, if it tries to run every time it won't be worth taking out.
  10. I was writing to get a small working hob, not asking if it's real or not. Come and have a look you will see that it is real. The only problem I have is when it works I think it will be off any chance it gets.
  11. Thanks mate I hope it will work out too, no point in keeping one you can't work.
  12. It's just the light in the shed has a normal mask on it.
  13. changed my mind because I think they will be more hassle than enough.
  14. Does anybody make ferret boxes or selling any, I'm looking for a double box Thanks Atb
  15. Does anybody have a small full EU Hob? I have a Jill and she is a really nice kit, she is 3rd generation working with people and dogs etc, with parents and grandparents owned she is just like a ferret in the way she won't hide away in the hutch and comes to me when I go out. The guy I bought her off had a few and I picked one he said to me, why did you pick her? and I said because she keeps coming to me and she is very confident, but unlike the ferret she is really fast and I'm hoping she will be a good worker this year. The reason I ask my question is because I would rather put her to anot
  16. If I was closer I'm looking for a good hob, good offer for somebody
  17. Does anybody have any white or silver Kits North East please Atb
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