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Everything posted by Mickeydemouse

  1. The only shakeing that will be going on will be going form ginger
  2. That’s not very nice is it! There no need to get upset am guessing you don’t want the hairy bit off my hand that’s why your not telling me
  3. I just brush it off it’s just another avoidance tactic
  4. He better get better at begging so he can pay for it mate
  5. I personally don’t think he has the petrol money too so it
  6. All I got form that is you shat you pants and Jobbyed your boxes so alway back under your bed
  7. Silence tells us all we need to know
  8. You will be ref me standing there myself mate he don’t have the minerals
  9. Behave you said give me your address and you would come up and when I did you had other plans all bark no bite you look like something out of the wrong turn
  10. Nothing to say so it most be true.
  11. Ginger your arse collapsed saying you would come up knew that wouldn’t happen.now I know why you keep talking about me you fancy me but your out of luck
  12. You bummed up your dogs and gassed yourself in at the same time
  13. It’s very rare you get a good topic but when you do it’s a good
  14. A don’t even know why this is even a topic ave just read three pages of shit use need to grow up
  15. You tell more lies than a cheap watch you said sent postcode where I was I did then you said what you doing on the 20th lol you couldn’t make it up I always said you do nothing and you have proved it ps change your boxers there a bit brown
  16. Just was too busy with my life now away back under your bed before a gave you the hairy bit of my hand ?
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