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  • Rank
    Born Hunter
  • Birthday 03/12/1876

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    laid in bed with the bird
  • Interests
    Cheer up! Remember the less you have, the more there is to get

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  1. Can anyone msg me Neil bacon from Brownhills staff mob number thanks
  2. Have these pups been sold mate
  3. Hello lads and lasses what's the best fox caller on the market now days (electric) thanks
  4. As it says in the title anyone know of mating that's coming up looking for a pup or adult if so can you pm me thanks . Ps no sarcastic comments or messers need to reply cheers
  5. When was the last time you reared a little lol
  6. hope you sell your dog pal its just a matter of sorting the wannabes out from the have dones ! All the best mate
  7. It makes perfect sense!!! If its an adult he wants it allready working 100% as who wants an adult that hasnt started and if its young he doesn't mind bringing it on ? What's not to understand. mate you obviously think the same way as me but there's plenty on here that just like to criticise ;-)
  8. Cheers for that ucrbuch nice to talk to some one with sense , and we will sort something out ;-)
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