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Everything posted by Jerry71

  1. Str like you have said, no need for all the abuse towards each other, we all work are dogs differently but we must remember that's what we all have in common no matter what we work them on. Atb.
  2. Got a look problem with ants in ferret court, I have gutted the court twice this week to try get rid of them but there back, got a Jill with kits and it doesn't matter were i put nest boxes ants get in. Anyone got any ideas how to get rid of them. Also got few kits "free" to good working homes. Pm if interested. Atb.
  3. Nice mate, how big is she. Atb
  4. The ol man's was similar in looks but blue, grey. I will sort some pics out when I pop round see my mother. It's shame they are falling into the hands of money grabing cnuts, before I got my pup I looked at ads but 350 and more, like you point out £100 back then was lot of money, I think 150 is about right for a lurcher now days and I was happy to pay that for mine. Atb
  5. Any pics of the dog from g Kelly mate, my dad spoke highly of George and one of the best bitches he had was a bedy greyhound x beardy greyhound which came from George's line. Atb
  6. What x of running dog would you work, got to have the best of feet and be able to take knocks. I've seen ibiza hounds work in small packs in malorca and on main land Spain and they was a hardy bunch but noisey and the one's we saw were mostly ruff coated. Atb
  7. NL, looks good for the future. Nothing better than early success to boost confidence. I forgot how big bedlington greyhounds ears are, my pup is coming on and quick to learn and she's retrieving to hand. She loves water unlike the whippet. Atb
  8. I don't own a pure dog but I own bedlington blooded lurcher and my dad kept several bedlingtons over the years, they wasn't used solely as earth dogs but as all round vermin dog, they are hard to beat.
  9. Think your about right, bedlingtons have a great nose, as for what we use are dogs for, different courses for different horses. If i was looking for a earth dog it wouldn't be a Bedlington, as I don't have the room, the reason I would pick the bedlington over any other terrier is, they make a good all rounder , ferreting, bushing, ratting, go to ground and I have seen a couple lamping which done OK, then there's the bonus they make good lurchers. Atb
  10. Any pics of them, I work a small bedy whippet x Patterdale russell and she ain't much to look at but she's doubled my whippet catch rate since I got her and demon on rats. Atb
  11. Have you got pic of the last print he did for you,
  12. I will send pm tonight some time as for some reason I karnt delete anything, if you definitely want two they are yours once old anufe to leave mum OK, atb
  13. She's big for 11 weeks, she's like a box of frogs like all pups of her age, I'll measure her tomorrow as doing night shift, atb
  14. I had a Jill that got fat looked like she had belly full but it was phantom, I will have few kits spare to good working homes, also how do you delete things so I can pm. Atb
  15. She's from a good working line of bedlingtons and a Irish coursing hound so she's bred the right way it's now down to me to do her justice . she's learning commands ok, most of the time it's tug games and retrieving, so far alls going well. Atb
  16. She's looking good mate, iv just got a Bedlington greyhound fl, only 11 weeks old, atvb.
  17. Looks nice, best of luck pal,
  18. Getting dogs swimming is great way to exercise them, I try getting my lurchers in the lakes but they refuse unless I go in, remember a pal used to put his staffs in cannel and slip there leads through a short scaf bar and hold the bar while dog swam,and he'd walk a mile a day like this. His dogs lookt good.
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