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    Born Hunter
  • Birthday 31/03/1988

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  1. The savage 12vss .22-250 that i just bought second hand from Skany, of the BBS. Is a cracking rifle. heavy fluted varmint barrel, choate ultimate stock, accu- trigger all stainless. And heres the best bit 1/4'' groups at 100yrds with ease. I rate there factory rifles for accuracy out the box, over Remmy 700s and the like. Hope that helps. Cheers
  2. Well done mate, thats a good write up. You got some tidy looking ground there!! Cheers
  3. Hello mate. I have one of these mods and i find when i clean it and re install the baffles. The last one which is differant to the rest should have the hook part laying flat across the top of the baffle stack. If you turn it the other way so the hook points up when you screw the cap on it, will not screw down the whole way. And will also cause the baffle to be pushed out of allighnment, so when you look down through the baffles. It wont look like a ture round tube. If you get what i mean. Sorry for the awkward description, hope it helps though. Cheers
  4. Have a look on airgun bbs under reloading, theres a guy selling a full setup of reloading kit. The only things you will need to buy will be the fittings for the calibre you intend to load. Theres a lot of kit there, he wants 400 for it, which sounds like a good price for what you get. Cheers
  5. I was going to say, thats a hell of a claim!!!! . The HMR round is no longer supersonic after 270yrds, and there after becomes very unstable. If you rifle shoots 1MOA at 100 yrds that means that it should shoot a 3'' group at 300yrds. But as we all no the HMR is so badly effected by wind that a 3'' group becomes very unlikely at that range. However if your being truth full good on ya, as sportingshooter sed thats a very good shot.
  6. Hell again everyone. I should hopefully have my license back through the post in a few weeks, with my request for a .22-250 and .22lr granted, To go along side the .17hmr. I have done a lot of research into reloading and all the other issues regarding the .22-250. I do have a few questions i need answering. 1. What are the pros and cons of using a heavier bullet (55gr) and what are the ballistic characteristics, does it combat wind drif better? 2.Is accuracy better with match bullets than say ballistic tip bullets? Do match bullets richochet more? And in general does the .22-250
  7. Hello all. Im on the look out for some reloading kit. I should have my variation throughsoon for a .22-250 and i want to start homeloading. If anyone has a full setup of reloading kit, or just single items press, .22-250 dies, scales, tumbler, etc.... I have 120 to spend so let me no if you have any kit you want to sell. Cheers
  8. Thanks Baldie. How delicate is a rifles bore. Ie, is it possible to damage it by using a brass or aluminum cleaning rod to vigorously? Cheers
  9. Is it possible to re condition a barrel by doing the above process's?
  10. Hello there. I have a chance of adopting a 6 month old pure bread German Shepard bitch. What i would like to no is do they make good gundogs, i no they are very intelligent dogs but how are they at retreiving, and obedience? Cheers
  11. Hello matey, there was a thread similar to this a while back have a look through the pages of the forum. If i where you try to have the .22lr and the .17hmr put on your ticket aswell. Saves spending another £26 to have it varied in the future. I would say you would have more chance of being granted the fac air rifle and the .17hmr, than the .22lr as the hmr is very unlikely to richochet. Hope this helps. Cheers
  12. Good point young, i forgot to put i am only '19' wil be 20 in march. I suppose that works against me aswell. Cheers
  13. I no someone who has one for sale, how much are you offering. He would like £450 fo his. If your interestd pm me. Cheers
  14. Hello everyone. I have just had the FLO round this morning for a meeting to discuss opening my license out for my .17hmr, and also to discuss having 2 new calibres put on my ticket (.22lr and .22-250). I gave the reason for the .22lr as 'shooting ground based vermin at night under lamp light, with a silencer' (as the .22lr can be fully silenced) and the .22-250 as 'extended range fox control'. He said there wouldnt be a problem having it open'd out for the HMR and the .22lr when i get it, as the amount of ammo i have bought over the past year 3000+ rounds justifies them letting me use it und
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