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About DonnySniper

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  • Birthday 07/12/1989

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  1. So I've got a shroud on now and a de pinger but there is still quite a crack from the action when shot any tips how this can be solved? Ref and larger cylinder will be fitted over the weekend with a bit of luck! Still bagging bunnies so can't complain.
  2. Thanks all, think I'm going to order some kit from xtx and make a home brew so to speak I'll check out airtech before I commit tho... cheers jonjon
  3. Definitely want it to look good I'll be checking Phil's links out later once I'm back from the range I think a mix between the two will do the trick
  4. Morning Phil Helps a lot I'll be using these links and see what I can do with my little ultra se, thanks a lot for the help.
  5. That looks sick! I've been looking at custom stocks but not sure if it's worth the money... I'm 100% going to start changing bits and bobs on it now I've seen that, do you think it's the reg that is making so much of the difference?
  6. Cheers I didn't see that section... thanks for the welcome Atb
  7. Hi everyone, I'm currently using my bsa ultra se 177 and love it I might add! Just wanting to find out if any one has modified and can recommend some thing I can do to up the shot count and make a brilliant rifle a little bit better Thanks in advance Atb
  8. Hi everyone, I'm currently using my bsa ultra se 177 and love it I might add! Just wanting to find out if any one has modified and can recommend some thing I can do to up the shot count and make a brilliant rifle a little bit better Thanks in advance Atb
  9. While looking around I see it's not welcome a new menber asking for new permissions, however I'd just like to add I'm more interested learning from others not so much on there permissions and gaining knowledge from more experienced hunters than myself. Looking forward to some conversations on here and joining in as in my group of friends I'm the only hunter.
  10. Hi people hope all is well, so I'm new to this forum and wondering if any one is in the Doncaster Sheffield areas has any land available or fancys a shooting buddy to tag along? I have a couple of permissions but always keen to meet and try new areas as we all are I'm sure! Thanks in advance.
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