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About Berserker

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  1. Thought so thanks for the replies, and apologies for the title bloody predictive text lol.
  2. Hi, I spoke to my local police authority today regarding a variation on my FAC. For a .243 stating I have acquired some more permission and the landowner wants Roe deer and fox managed. The lady I spoke to said that a .243 was to big a Calibre for fox and was only to be used for deer. I basically backtracked and apologised but I have never heard of this before., is it true?
  3. With these pure bred Salukis, what are they like for stock breaking and training in general?whats their temperament like? Reading some posts on here a pure bred Saluki is all that's required.
  4. I often hear about the stamina of Salukis and Saluki types. Do they keep this stamina if not worked regularly? Is it something that's just in them. Obviously the more work they see the fitter they get but on a whole do they hold their fitness?
  5. Stop.end I agree to some degree but as the saying goes you can't polish a turd and make it shine. All you can do is make your choice feed it, train it enter it sensibly and hope for the best.
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