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mr practice

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About mr practice

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter

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  • Location
    yorkshire LEEDS
  • Interests
    guns guns and more of them i love 1 particular gun allways have the MAC-11 9mm i mean think about 32 rounds in a second and half AMAZING i also love computers and game consoles xbox one playstation 4 and films

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  1. hi there yes i can hit a rabbits head i have been shooting for years but got married for 33 years wife would not allow me to have guns it was my boyhood sport now she has passed away i got guns they have changed a bit not much ive had meteors mercurys airsporters all the bsa range never had a p.c.p. i knew where everything went but i was making double sure as messing with high compressed air is dangerous so to doubly make sure the fill probe went in the din cos on the instructions it looked different yes i know how to set up scopes and allign AND carefully tighten them down dont take it
  2. hi there yes i was in the army for 10 years served in iraq a fair while and afghanistan both for a few tours each lost a few buddies too lost my brother in law bad shit all round you have to have eyes in the back of your head and everywhere else too why you ask was it cos of the ingram the mac-10 machine gun on the picture beautifull things them 32 rounds in 1 n half seconds amazing gun. dave leeds
  3. hi there thanks for the post charlie i know people have worked hard to get permission and keep it i will take your advice mate and like you say i will get knock backs but one will say yes. i was just asking mate if anyone had to many commitments cos of work and didnt have time to fully commit to a permission and just didnt want to throw it away but could help me and introduce me to get that permission they wasnt using at all i know its a tall order but sometimes you never know especially if it was close to me in leeds but never mind will have to do what you say dude cheers dave lee
  4. hi there i just want to ask i have a hard case with sponge on either side i put my weihrauch hw100t with the bipod on and the hawke sidewinder scope with the side wheel fixed so its fully setup its seems a bit of a squeeze to lock the case i mean its all new stuff i was wondering if its ok to keep it in there rather than in its box until i go to the shooting club its all setup just in the hard case thats it i mean the scope will be ok yes i dont want to damage anything its just a bit tight to fasten the 4 clasps thats all just wondering dave leeds
  5. hi there yes i can hit a rabbits head i have been shooting for years but got married for 33 years wife would not allow me to have guns it was my boyhood sport now she has passed away i got guns they have changed a bit not much ive had meteors mercurys airsporters all the bsa range never had a p.c.p. i knew where everything went but i was making double sure as messing with high compressed air is dangerous so to doubly make sure the fill probe went in the din cos on the instructions it looked different yes i know how to set up scopes and allign AND carefully tighten them down dont take it
  6. hi there guys i know its a large favour to ask i was wondering if anyone in leeds has a few places to manage, and its a bit much to keep up with more than one or more permission, and in need of help or someone to help i know its a big big thing to ask i know this anyone who needs help or knows of a farmer who needs a person to get rid of vermin of his land would be brilliant i know its a big thing of trust i do know this but everyone has to start somewhere, and has had help themselves as a guest on a permission then gets reffered to a land owner to control vermin. it all goes from there ai
  7. hi there cheers dude yes i did get one of them a quick fill probe yep cheers matey dave leeds
  8. hi there mac cheers dude perfect no probs now will be carefull cheers mate for taking the time to put piccys up for me mate much appreciated thank you dave leeds
  9. hi there i got my weirauch hw100t and all other bits and the diver bottle looked at instructions for gun on connecting bottle, it looks confusing as the connections in weihrauch instructions dont look like same connectors. i mean im not stupid when it comes to stripping and building stuff i used to build computers for people to there spec. but with compressed air you have to be a little carefull, the connection i got is i believe its called a DIN here is a pic of bottle and lead below you see the lead the big end screws into the bottle yes but you know the small end the din does my quic
  10. hi there hi dude what about cat litter or the small tropical stones at the bottom of a tropical fish tank,or plastic bean bag filler is it right its better to fill with a bottle than a pump as pumps dont filter the air correctly and nacker seals up on your gun been watching youtube i just want whats best for my equipment i look after it i could have something 10 years and it will be like the day i bought it i keep the boxes too sorry mate rambling on so what you think about the seals any little tips on what to do and what not to do, cheers mac dave leeds
  11. hi dude thanks a lot for the reply and specifically for the adresses for the bottle filling youre a star dude HOW much do they charge. some people say filling with a bottle eventually nackers up your seals in the gun then also people say a stirrup pump nackers up your seals faster because it does not filter the air clean. but i dunno i have to join the gun club now a good one at HUDDERSFIELD a guy told me on here about it said its really good and the guy that runs it is a star really good. fella then i need the most important thing is permission, on farmers land to shoot vermin thats the m
  12. hi there well i got yet another gun couldn't hold myself back i got a weihrauch hw100t p.c.p. just got it this friday. with a hard protected case. a 300 bar diver bottle .a deben bipod 3x9 or 9x3 whatever a hawke sidewinder airmax 4x16x50 caldwell deadshot 2 piece bag/rests. 1 question i wanted to ask what do i fill the bags with or whats best, there is lots iv'e seen to fill bags with but this is a question i need to ask is when i need the diver bottle filled where is there i can get it filled does anyone know anywhere near me near leeds it would be a great help please. cheers
  13. hi there well i got everything to polish the inside of the 97. smooth the cocking slots really nice with high grade wet n dry and then polishing paste then polish the piston like a mirror and the piston cocking slide slots. cover up the piston head seal as this gun has only fired 100 pellets and cover the breech seal, gently polish inside the piston chamber and spring either end get rid of any crap when it comes from the factory, de-grease everything then re-grease inside the piston chamber with moly drysulphide powder gently, then put some on the piston then also got moly paste/grease for
  14. hi there hey REZ at the bottom of your list what tells you what rifles you got one says v-mach and the other says v-glide are they the same thing but they changed names ? cheers dave
  15. hi there dave here again i wanted to ask a question, im wanting a p.c.p. i have done quite a bit of research and im looking at two. 1..bsa r10 mk2 in 177. and 2..weihrauch 100kt 177 thats the cal. i want for the flatter trajectory they are both fantastic but i see the bsa as not being serious. as they have been around years and just made guns for plinking for the masses if you see what i mean with the others they did. the meteor the mercury the airsporter and the others with S on the end of there names. guns a lot of us grew up with the weihrauch serious allways and that german eng
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