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Everything posted by Colliewhippet

  1. I like the ideas of the the sheep wire and the head of the brush. Thanks both
  2. Thanks both. As you mentioned barb wire that is the last thing she will go near as her confidence in general is not the best she was very nervous dog until recently. I will probably put a board across the door on the shed and slowly lift it over time to build her confidence up, her getting tangled in a fence is the last thing she or I need
  3. Ok I'll get onto it this week. She does the the little things like ditches and walls that have come down over the years Cheers
  4. I have a pup coming up to 7 months old, at would age would you recommend I start teaching her to jump? As she's still young I don't want to rush and do damage while she's still developing Thanks in advance
  5. I have my hob in a chicken coop on paving slabs in the garden, when comes time to clean him just a case of move the coop, scoop up the mess then give it a bit of disinfectant and a hard brush and put it back when dry
  6. Thanks all, be looking for some advice over the coming months
  7. New member from south wales, enjoy a bit of bushing and ferreting with my 2 terriers and colliewhippet pup
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