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About Corkonian

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    Born Hunter

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  1. There's a lot more articles like that. I think it can't have any affect on internal parasites. As I said I've seen it fail on hens for mites too. I'd love to see a genuine natural remedy but I don't think this is it.
  2. How does it work as a wormer Topper? I kind of get how they say it works for mites etc. - that said I've seen mite infestations on hens treated with it religiously. It can't work internally in the same way? So it's just silicon really and I don't know how that would kill worms.
  3. I'm not well up on the law but I'm fairly sure that we - in Ireland - have the right to defend our homes - http://www.irishstatutebook.ie/eli/2011/act/35/enacted/en/html This extends to your yard/garden AFAIK - I vaguely remember a case where someone did some damage to a c**t that was robbing a shed on their premises. You don't need to drag them into the bedroom anymore.
  4. Fair dues Bryan - well written! Had some of my best ever days hunting - and nights drinking - with Tommy. He got a send-off he'd be proud of anyway. I agree about the missed opportunity regarding a decent book about him - I vaguely remember Dave recording some of his stories a few years ago. Not sure if he still has them?
  5. Thanks. I walk them where I do because there's so few burrows. What ones there are have been checked literally dozens of times. I'd say he's no longer in the area at this stage so anywhere is fair game.
  6. I lost a six year old black terrier near Ballincollig Co Cork last Tuesday 24th. Was just finishing the usual walk when he took off on a bit of a line - hasn't been seen since and we've been out trying for the last week. I really think that he was picked up by someone at this stage and isn't in ground. He's going a bit grey in the face and also walks with a limp sometimes due to an old injury to one of his back legs. It causes him to run with it held up sometimes as well. I'm offering a large reward because he was from the last litter I bred with a friend who's since passed. Always wan
  7. From the same book as above - those otter hunting whips were some mighty men!
  8. Bit of info on what the used long ago here - https://archive.org/stream/ottersotterhunti00came#page/36/mode/2up Any other free online books around?
  9. I prefer to use Rimadyl - I always just use the tablet version. Note I have one dog that appears to get a bit of a rash from it so it won't suit every animal. Always watch carefully for any side effects when using any medicine. Some info from the makers here - https://www.rimadyl.com/account/DisplayPDF?docName=PI.pdf ANIMAL SAFETY STUDIES: Laboratory studies in unanesthetized dogs and clinical field studies have demonstrated that Rimadyl is well tolerated in dogs after oral administration. In target animal safety studies, Rimadyl was administered orally to healthy Beagle dogs at 1, 3,
  10. When you put the Pulse in pure analog mode it's only using one antenna - there's no digital processing of the beacons signal or display readout either. I haven't done enough messing about with it but it's way harder to narrow down exactly where the collar is. For Pablo - the sound when in analog mode is very very faint at edge of range - they recommend using headphones. On a windy day you will seriously struggle to hear it until you're with 45 yards or so.
  11. When you switch the barryvox to analog mode does it really increase the range? Should allow for detection up to 80m add opposed to 50m. I'm using the B&F collars and earphones with the box to hear the tone properly - still only gets a signal at the edge of the same range when set to digital. Haven't read up much about it yet - no time - so interested to see what others have found.
  12. Those yank ones are very well made and will last a lifetime but they don't have enough of a scoop on them - they'd need more of an angle too to be perfect. They seem a bit long at first but are fine really. Carter are about the best I've found - still though they're not perfect - http://richardcarterltd.co.uk/shovels/ I use the 10" wide type - wouldn't mind a narrower one too. I got mine a few years ago - it didn't have the integrated threads so make sure you don't get the old stock from where ever you buy.
  13. I'm no authority on terriers nor do I ever pretend to be but from what I saw of freckles I was very impressed. I dug to him a good few times - I think he was between 10 and 12 years old over those seasons. We had a few right awkward digs with him but there was one that really stood out - I'd love to go into detail about that dig! Edited to add - when I say awkward I mean hard digging for us - the dog never put a foot wrong in my presence.
  14. One of mine was knocked down when he was 3. Started getting fits periodically and also when he got a belt of electric wire or the like. You'd know one of the periodic ones was coming - he'd be staring into space a lot for a few weeks before hand. You can medicate if they have epilepsy and fit regular - Epinatun (sp?) - be aware of the side effects though. I have a diazepam capsule handy all the time - I think it's the same one they use for children (got it from the vet though) - just shove it up the ass and squeeze when the dog is having a fit. I was out in the woods on the bike years
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