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Everything posted by Retsdon

  1. You have to wonder how exactly anyone manages to decapitate a cat with a firework? Not an easy thing to acomplish you'd have thought...
  2. I've just read this whole thread and enjoyed it immensely.Blaise, thank you very much indeed!
  3. Not hares obviously, but back in the 80s there were roads on Deeside in Aberdeenshire that in late summer had rabbit action not far short of this. You had to slow down to avoid running them over. Haven't lived in the UK for years, so don't know it it's still the same...
  4. Best dog I ever owned was called Jaff, but aquired the name 'Cakes', short for 'Babycakes' - who was a character in a Vietnam war book I was reading at the time who was completely fearless in battle and would go into any fight against the odds without giving a fckc for yhe consequences. That was this dog to a T. When I got him home, the first thing he did was to pick a scrap with the only other male dog I had at that time, who was about 4 or 5 years old. Needless to say the pup, who was not much over 4 months, got a fair old pasting for his trouble. So that was that I thought. Not a bit o
  5. Lol. My brindle bitch answers to Jet, Max and Grace and is called all 3 in equal. Don't ask. Haha Old boy behind us used to have a pet lurcher that responded to English and Dutch as his mrs was from Holland Cheers, D. Back in the day lads from Scotland buying working/trials collies from North Wales would, along with the dog, go home with a casette tape in their pockets with the dog's commands in Welsh.
  6. Unless your dog is especially dim, like most of us it will learn from its mistakes. My advice would be to just give it a bit of space and time to learn and I don't mind betting that sooner rather than later it'll figure out that mooching head up rather than head down is the better option. Not meant the wrong way at all, but you sound a bit like one of those anxious parents worrying that their first born isn't walking/drawing/cycling/whatever at the appointed time. Don't sweat it. Unless there's something the matter with them, they all get there in the end.
  7. i had very interesting chat today on my dog walk, got my 2 dogs and met this bloke and little lad with 2 collie xs , not lurchers just farm type working dogs , he liked my dogs, i told him they were of similar temp at home quite and sensitive , but the big dog Buck 1x gsd x grey , had very different mind set when hunting he was more full on than Bryn the 1 x collie x grey . he said that didn't surprise him , he said collies will do most things for there owners, there are very clever and appear to do as there told, but in truth there calling the shots, they only do what they want .
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