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Everything posted by Themole

  1. It was alright sure dug same dogs as you Sammy maggie
  2. I've been and saw one of the very few that have been and left empty handed ha ha so to speak
  3. Hey chesney same could be said for some of your pictures ?and well done to the young dog that fella on the left is a far lump of a dog fair play
  4. Speak for yourself Neil I'm flat out ha hs ha but travelling unfortunately
  5. Well I'll give it to you there too notch I hope my pups turn out like your pair
  6. Now that's right up my street they are cracking looking animals fair play look in top condition
  7. Horses for courses big dogs big earth the only problem is getting enough big ones to work your dog more frequent when 90 percent of them are on the tight size
  8. Nice dogs shovel shy is it staff in them by any chance
  9. Nice bitch very strong fair play to you atb
  10. What's in the othe dog if you don't mind me asking bull or Russell or both strong dog nice looking all terrain
  11. ???this is surly a piss take
  12. Fair play lurchers I could count in one had the people I no who work borders and most of the time there a cross fair play
  13. At least your dogs are better than your hurlers rebel one thing you can count on ???
  14. Just got a pup myself lately mostly border in her little bit of fell high hope for her please god love the looks of the boarder hard to get working strain though
  15. Nice dog touch of bull if I might be rude enough to ask
  16. Fine dog good to see small dogs big harts thanks for sharing
  17. Nice looking dog she surly fills the bag for you fair play
  18. Even 3 is a crowd in some spots farmer wondering is it a driven shoot or what it is
  19. I no it's been done to death but did many people run whippets on ,fox,hare,what ever I no there a little small but having had two bull whippets myself I just wanted to see other people's outings or views and I no horses for courses just curious to hear thanks .
  20. Robbusher seen one the other morning about two miles away from a river on the only problem was another mile up that road we have our pheasant pens must of been looking for a lift that way ? I'm sure I'll see him in our traps during the week not our pens
  21. No doubt you'd you find them chesney
  22. Nice dogs chesney they all Seam to be spotless clean ?fair play
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