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Everything posted by Themole

  1. I seen a fella in the next down down from me with two for sale 800 each ?????same fella bred a failed dog to a supposed cocker bred bitch that was never in a feild ....parents 100 percent ????wankers
  2. Fair going to see 50 seen five this morning shot 3 out for a hour
  3. Nice joe I have two dogs the very same I'll put up a picture
  4. Nice dogs lads well looked after
  5. Very nice looking mate my type can't beat a good Russell and there in good Nick
  6. That was a long one ha ha nice dogs hope they all work for you
  7. Really nice dogs they pure Russell so to speak or is there a touch of bull
  8. No the bitch on the left is short but the others arnt guess it's the selyham coming back in her
  9. Pudds? How do you mean if pups is what you ment they are there only four months old will be a good size hopefully
  10. Very good the teckel I would love to see working friends have a few but not digging dogs
  11. Just courious as to what dogs would of been used back in the day russell. Fox terriers I'm guessing was there any French terrier so to speak for terrier work
  12. Of course I have ha ha not sure how to put them up I assume just go through the files part
  13. Not hard at all of you no the right people I've 3 verly well bred bitch pups in my runs here for next season
  14. Your dead right Liam first to the guards with slander. definition of character poor me nothing about who the helped id showed kennels too and hopefully he does
  15. Enough people in trouble with certin people calling the law on them and i for one wont name anyone as you all should no if one does they will have people at there doors looking to see your dogs and if im upsetting people on here well i wont apologize for it as they same time and karma will catch up on the certin people bullshitting about what lads have done and making up lies to keep in with certin breeders
  16. I'm sure there's people commenting on this post who have helped Rob dogs .ie. shown them where people kennels are out in the country and shown them where lads live and there the ones shouting about dog robbers and there not much better than the lads who robbed them imo .
  17. Your right Neill sure there's people showing peoples kennels to other lads then they'll slip back Rob the dogs and they the lads thst showed them turn around and be the first on the band wagon to slste the men in question less people no your business the better worry about them coming back robbing dogs .digging e arths you brought them for a dig two alot of two faced people around the place
  18. You'll end up finding out eventually that the people that done it ...You will know.slip of a tounge some night to the wrong person did you try any of those so called digging lads in the Hebron eastate .maybe near the tullaroan road.best of luck
  19. Keep to yourself is the best way no one knows what you have what earth you dog and you never have to worry about bumping into them in your permission that you showed them or getting dogs took sad but it happens alot
  20. Have a look around macdonalds you might see something running about with any luck
  21. The penneys tracksuit does give off a bit of an impression Neil .
  22. Nothing off his own line or are they too close
  23. O jesues flat digging your really driving it home in us poor suckers who nearly never see a flat feild
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