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Everything posted by mt11

  1. My little black bitch, just turned a year and having lots of success on 'coon, groundhog and possum. Very happy with her.
  2. I have heard of this in humans, it is called a limbal dermoid, a rare type of tumour. I wonder if it is the same thing?
  3. EC, there is a healthy working terrier community over here (as I am sure you know), probably due as much to the prevalence of quarry and the lack of restrictive regulations. I am sure breeding for type over ability happens but most I am involved with are breeding for their own kennel and hunting needs. I have had the good fortune to see some cracking terriers work out here and some shockers too tbf. IMHO the working russell is doing well stateside.
  4. Dabhand, never had black dogs nor did my Dad back in England. May take a pup in the next year or so just out of interest, my Russells do everything I expect and work all the quarry I hunt so never seen the need to look black.
  5. The white dog pup goes back to the old Maypole line, there is some of Cloughies Pengelli in there too. The other dogs go back to a line here in the US, Fox Island. Behind that there was a fair bit of Pengelli and Foxwarren.
  6. Here are mine. The last two are pups, just started them on raccoon and opossum. Very happy with my lot.
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