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About Achilles_13

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  1. I won't be running the dog on anything or buying one yet for that matter, I was just wondering why you don't see these more often on here... I understand that they are/ were being used to course hare, dispatch deer, running alongside the hunters on a horse... a smaller version used to exist, owned by farmers known simply as " hare catchers"... ATB
  2. Hi all I've been reading post after post, trying to learn as much as I can about the dogs and techniques used for hunting ( I find it to be incredible sport and tradition, sadly non existant where I live, only gun-dogs and some terriers here...) I was wondering why there is so little information about the Magyar Agar or why nobody is running them ? I understand they are somewhat slower due to their stronger, more robust build (less vet trips ?), but surely the thicker skin and possibility to grow an undercoat in winter as well as their more developed jaw muscles (older type agar ) and
  3. +1 on the bouvier! They may look like a shaggy rug, but when you see one bolting down on you bellowing like a demon? I see them regularly on farms around here. My mates stepdad had one, lovely dog as long as long as a family member was around. I've personally seen this dog going through a pine wood fence when his owner cried out in pain... ( hit his thumb with a hammer) . Hope you find what you are looking for! Atb
  4. Great looking dog that! Mind me asking how she was Bred? Al the best!
  5. Hansome pup! Nice markings in the face, would love to see updates as it grows! All the best
  6. Hi Monkey, Love the stamp of that dog ! How's he bred / how tall is he ? ATB
  7. Lovely looking beast she is, looking forward to some write-ups once she's seen some action! How is she around the house? Am thinking about one of these as a mooching-pal. Atb!
  8. Lovely pair of dogs ! What size are they ? How are they at home ? ( Looking to get a nice mooching dog since I moved here, loads of rabbits about but terrain can be on the rough side, lots of brush and only small fields.) ATB !
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