Sounds like the dog is having a laugh ? tells his mates about the bloke he scares the shite out of ?.
On a serious note maybe the fella makes your dog nervous without you being present there with him? Hazarding a guess
I dont get the thought process of it, if he had enough and wanted to top himself crack on but why take others along like the random people at work and just walking there dog no links to him at all but shot them anyway.
Someone has some answering to do giving him back his sgc after making threats with it. Should have have it taken with a no return policy
There are speculations that there is another involved they are searching woods near there aswell so I'm told. My wife's friends brother is getting info from a copper he knows
There are a bunch of feathers all mixed in with rock wool. Yes there was a bone attached to the feather that you mention Ken. Something could well have had a pheasant I'm working on maristow estate which during shooting season holds around 100,000 birds! And yes on dartmoor south west
Couple more photos as you can see not a big space that it was in they are 6inch timbers
It's in about 6inches of space on a flat roof ceiling seems a small space for a bird that can take a rabbit. I dont know feck all about birds of prey but I find them absolutely amazing
Hello, at work this morning ripping down ceilings came across a load of feathers, large piles of poo and rabbit fur just wondering what sort of bird it was I only have pics of feathers
Not 100% sure what shes put in this but stuffed peppers, rice, crispy bacon, cheese and what looks like smaller chunks of peppers aswell but its bloody handsome anyway