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Everything posted by Saltmoon

  1. I'm feckin lost now it's got technical ??
  2. Bloke I know runs a lurcher with a fair amount of foxhound in it the thing runs and runs can run it all night on the lamp little sleep and it will work all day again think it's something along the lines of foxhound greyhound bull maybe something else in the mix aswell not 100% but maybe it dosnt have to be either a greyhound or saluki I'd be tempted by a grew
  3. Must be something along those lines if they work at all as those breeds are in there just missing 2 so id say dogs must just take certain bits of the breeding most people assume that mine is just greyhound not a lurcher I've even been asked how much saluki is in mine ?
  4. Could be that some take bits and so.e take it all as if you stood our 2 next to each other and said there litter mates people probably wouldn't believe us
  5. Personally I don't think they work I think they are used as a tool from the likes of the rspca to prove if you have a legal dog or not if it's a pedigree then it's pedigree if it's a mongrel it's a mongrel who knows what has been put in there over years and years like ours mate 5 dogs in there say if we bred with another dog with 5 or 6 breeds in the dog then I don't see how the feck they could pull all them dogs out of it on a DNA test
  6. Would help if you said about the bitch you wanted to cover with the bull x also is it any old dog with bull in it somewhere?
  7. Either way you have made this situation yourself I'm afraid I'm not saying this to be nasty at all just stating facts the dog can't stand to be alone. Have you thought about a rescue dog for companionship for him? A dog that is older not old but not a pup or a youngster. Have you left him with a decent bone when he's left? Tv on? Things to keep him busy?
  8. Constructive criticism ? I think that's what they call it and it's the kindest way I could say anything remotely positive
  9. That's a good shout I leave the tv on for my dog but then again he's always been left day time round some right messes when he was a pup totally nailed a door fame and carpet but fixed that once he stopped chewing on it and never done anything again the chilly powder properly helped him stop chewing aswell ?
  10. Seems you've made the problem yourself having the dog with you 24/7 for such a long time it's not used to being alone ever and probably never will be now have you tried working the dog as that is what his mind wants to do his nature is to chase things ie rabbits! Have you tried leaving him with a decent bone while you've left not a shop bought crap one but from the butchers a cows thigh bone ect dogs love them will keep them entertained for hours
  11. Give it a decent walk bit of free running off lead when your out should do all its shitting and pissing then. Get the dog into a routine so it knows when it's going out else your setting yourself up for alot of cleaning for a long time If that fails get a shock collar turn it up full wet the dog down and give it some while beating it with a stick ?
  12. I hate these types of lights but for some pissing reason I always seem to look straight at them like I'm some sort of moth
  13. Used to love the coke but shite these days MDMA sends me wacky so that's shit mushrooms was fun salvia was wierd for the 20 mins it lasted thought my pals car was smiling at me ?? weed never got along with just sends me on a downer. Pills had some grate nights out on but always preferred coke to it all as I still felt like I had some control if anything went bad. Went on the legal high thing for a while but they was all crap really. These days I'm happy popping over the local pub having a few pints and getting a Chinese have to grow up some time
  14. Anyone anywhere with plenty of bunnys on the ground
  15. That's a shiter mate some bruising that is pal but like you say least shes still alive puncture looks abit savage maybe the pics make it look worse. Bet the missus wasnt to happy with blood all over the place first thing in the morning
  16. Think his big lad is 28 1/2 tts big boy that's for sure
  17. How come you would choose greyhound over saluki? Not a dig at all just curious ?
  18. I'd go saluki myself I'm not a huge fan of them but have much better feet then greyhound. Still have loads of speed and more gas to keep running
  19. Shes looking cracking fair old size for the age aswell big strong pup that atb with her
  20. Not going to argue over the internet as you don't know me and I don't know you so will have to agree to disagree on that one.
  21. I take it I wouldn't call you that to your face because your a massive hard man ??? behave yourself. I stand by what I said even if that's what you get up to with a dog why advertise it on a open forum which will be being watched
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