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Everything posted by Saltmoon

  1. Gutted for him unfortunately it's a risk that we all run when the dog is slipped but it's never nice thing to happen.
  2. He still ain't back and dry Jan is over now
  3. Did you have a big fluffy poodle looking thing aswell? Or was that someone else? Either way tidy dogs there pal
  4. Yep my old bull x lived with a cat wouldn't touch it but when out walking if we saw a cat I'd have to hold on tight as he would be going for it
  5. The case that cost them around 1mill in devon was the case I was involved in and they dropped all charges after about a 3 year court case 7 of us in total
  6. Hard not to when the Facebook dinnys come over looking for a swap it's a living animal not some playstation game to be passed about
  7. He wants bull x mate no beddy whip ?
  8. I'm thinking of getting a terrier for ratting day times on farms should be alot easier to get perm to do that then lamping lots don't want people round at night. I cant just have a dog for a pet what's the point in that really the lurcher will come ratting to hes had a fair few anyway so just be some fun to have with the dogs still working abit but trying to get a terrier man to let you in is like blood from a stone ?
  9. That's it went out last 2 nights dog never left the slip on a lamp just some free hunting at the end he didn't find feck all either I keep him fit enough though I'll try some day time mooching just to keep his mind active and get his nose working but I know we won't see bugger all. If there was no ban I'd be laughing more roe down by me then you can shake a stick at!
  10. Finishing my season early this year rabbit numbers are so low round me I don't want to take anymore I thought it was picking up mid season but seems it was only a good few weeks where I saw plenty about then now I only see one or two knocking about I'm really hoping they breed like the clappers over the summer months and have some numbers round me for next season
  11. Looks like hes having a grate time ? good pics to
  12. His season may be starting soon don't want to get his air max dirty in the mud mate ?
  13. You just wait for big bad bill to rock up he be asking for a straightener with you now ??
  14. Yeah I remember that said it's not done much amazing really mate to be that grate at it all sounds like it has zero faults ?
  15. The pup may be a but of pain more then likely lack of training hes selling as he wants a dog that's up and running.... that's what the advert says anyway most of us know what you put in to the dog training ect you get back if you put no effort in and just expect then it's really not the dogs fault. Boils my piss people getting pups then giving up I understand sometimes it can not be helped. Saw another one woman saying the dog has got to big and strong it was a American bulldog x French mastiff I mean people must know when then but the pup it's going to be a big strong dog one day but then aga
  16. https://www.gumtree.com/p/pets/bull-greyhound-puppy/1362953848 Cant be arsed to put the effort into a pup in other words
  17. Its ment to confuse the rabbit when it's close in to the hole but don't see much difference myself
  18. No because katch would have seen him coming a mile away and the Kelpie would have out smarted him ?
  19. I reckon he made that trip to see katchum and got more then what he bargained for and the Kelpie x fecked him up now he's buryed somewhere only the dog knows
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