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About FriarTuck

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter

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  1. Ordered Thursday.. received it this morning thanks very much look forward to reading it over the weekend it looks brilliant
  2. just ordered this book , look forwards to reading it
  3. anyone breeding coursing lines pups this year , prefer the rough coated wooly type let me know
  4. thanks mate, could you keep me in mind ?
  5. why hello north wale? Was meant to say hello from North wales
  6. if you get any pics mate please post them up id be interested
  7. thanks lads ill take a look at them both
  8. Falconry and hawking, phillip glasier Falconry art and practise, Emma ford Two good books to begin with mate
  9. Thank you mate not after any fancy names or fashionable strains just a decent pup good working lurcher x lurcher
  10. Nice write up and great photos mate enjoyed it
  11. I know it's early but will anyone in the north Wales north west area have any kits for sale this year
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