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Everything posted by trappa

  1. Deker, yes i did. i didnt even mention fox specifically on application! Im fine with it though, it was primarily to be a fox rifle.
  2. Cheers ss. It says the .22rf shall be used for shooting vermin and ground game on ranges or land ove rwhich the holder has lawful authority to shoot. The 223 shall be used for shooting fox and for zeroing on ranges or ove rland where holder has lawful authority to shoot. No mention of the chief officer etc. Only downside i can see is that the 223 can be used JUST for foxes. am i correct?
  3. Just got back from a weekend away and my variation for a .223 has come!! Really chuffed as its only been a week, the police round here really are an efficient bunch. Anyway, just read the smallprint and im pretty sure im open on both!! Not bad as i only got my fac last year!
  4. Im hoping too. Last time i was in london i was nearly arrested for fighting with spurs fans, a load of us got rounded up and sent home by the bobbies. Im watching the fighting this time! cheer mate
  5. cci stingers are fine. Ive just started using some german high velocity bullets for the .22lr - "dynamit nobel" or something. A really nice bullet.
  6. I got a new bit of permission near me, loads of rabbits and saw 2 black ones last night. Didnt shoot them, for some reason i wouldnt want to eat them?!? dont know why! Shot about 10 incidentally and took for young ones for the pot.
  7. You can legally hunt rabbit all year round and with any calibre gun. Muntjac will need not less than .220 inches AND muzzle energy of not less than 1000ft lb so you can shoot the muntjac with a .222, .223, 22-250, 243 etc etc. If you want to shoot larger deer you will need a calibre not less than .240 inches and 1700 ft lb, so its probably a .243 or larger for england. Hope this helps.
  8. We fly from teeside at ten to 7. I'll be the good looking one!
  9. Dont know yet. flying down friday night so will be down there for 9ish. Saturday night im at the o2 dome for ufc 85, then around town. Are you down there like?? Flying Down?Your not coming into Heathrow are you? Yes, why?
  10. Dont know yet. flying down friday night so will be down there for 9ish. Saturday night im at the o2 dome for ufc 85, then around town. Are you down there like??
  11. Blackpool Best night out in the WORLD Yes im serious! Ive been all over with lads on the pi*s, but blackpool is tops for me! Everyone there is out to have a good time! Im in london this weekend though with a few good lads! should be FUN!!
  12. Its blackpool mate. The best night out in the country, nay, the world! There is always lots going on. Wish i was going ya lucky git!
  13. Ive got a .410 hushpower which i use for rabbits and its absolutely fine. I would have no hesitation using it on crows or pigeons if i could get close enough either. With the subsonic carts its pretty quiet too, in comparison to my old .410 using normal carts. Its a shame you wanted to shoot fox with it as the .410 would be suitable for all the above apart from the fox.
  14. Im no expert but if you were to show us a photo i would have a fair to middling chance of identifying it.
  15. There is a world of difference. Mixy is a cruel, cruel way to go therefore the majority of us will kill a mixy rabbit on sight, regardless of having a bird, gun or knife in our hands, thus putting it out of its misery AND helping to stop the spread. A blind man on a galloping horse can see that. Deliberatly catching a healthy creature and letting it go in an area/situation that gives your bird greater odds of catching it to aid your birds confidence isnt right legally, morally or ethically.
  16. kris, squirrel is gorgeous. Next time you have a barbie chop one in half and throw it on! Uber simple and tastes good by itself!!
  17. Got a phone call from someone who was wanting to know about setting mole traps. He must have seen an advert of mine somewhere. Now im pretty amiable so i was telling him a thing or two about mole trapping over the phone. Thought he had a mole problem and wanted to sort it out himself, ive no problem with that as i often advise over the phone for help with rats and mice. Anyway , we get talking and it turns out this cheeky git is wanting to trap moles for free in order to get shooting permission!! I couldnt believe it! Im still flabbergasted! I told him that i trap moles for money and permissi
  18. Ive been to the isle of man a few times. Last time there i got talking to a local and he said it was still legal to shoot a scotsman! some old law from donkeys years ago- something to do with sheep rustling! Probably bollocks but it tickled me.
  19. Tried (Rabbit) chicken chasseur today with rice. It was feckin awful! The meat was cooked nice but the sauce was horrid. I dont know whether it was because i didnt like the sauce( strong taste of red wine) or it just didnt go with rabbit, but its not reccomended. Rabbit spagghetti bolognese tomorrow!
  20. Very quick mate, my hat is off to your force. I too put my fac variation in on tuesday! I'll let you know when it comes back.
  21. Totally agree with millet. If you do use baggies i would think the sensible thing to do would be to keep it quiet and get on with it. All "bloodsports" are in a precarious position in this country, and indeed, other countries around the world, so it would be silly to open up this can of worms.
  22. Apologies. I think ZZ is right, its not covered by the spring traps approval order therefore im not sure. God, another grey area!
  23. The legislation is a grey area from what ive read. Its a bit like shooting a fox with an air rifle, its illegal viewed through one law but illegal through another. :stinker: My view is its not necessary. Yes its done on the continent and in the other side of the pond, but its just "not cricket" !! I cringe when i see it. It looks feckin awful, and is, imo, feckin awful. It was bagged hare that got coursing banned and though i respect your views are your views, falconry in britain really can do without baggies. trappa
  24. Glad it helped. Ive applied for a .223. It seemed a logical choice for fox and also for rabbits at a distance. The 22-250 did get a (slightly) better write-up but ammo price was a factor. Was tempted to get a .243 but i go out with a friends and its just a little too much imo, and i dont have any intention (at the moment) of shooting deer.
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