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Everything posted by trappa

  1. Get yourself down the newsagents. One of the shooting mags has a booklet on the very subject this month.
  2. They are worlds apart in a monetary sense, but MMA hasnt been spoiled by money (yet) , boxing has, period. As two disciplines, mma will beat boxing hands down. The ufc was started just to see which discipline was the best and its been proven that to be trained in multiple martial arts is of benefit. ps i dont think bisping will get past anderson silva either. He has got to be, pound for pound, the hardest man on the planet.
  3. You like stroking oiled muscley men then Yes, but dont tell anyone!
  4. Ive told 'er indoors i want a viking funeral! I want to be doused in petrol , dumped in a raft and set out to sea alight from the local jetty!!
  5. UFC everytime!! I did mma for a couple of years when i was younger (and fitter)! The main problem was i would go to work with bust lips, black eyes and some serious limps!! Its in a totally different class to boxing, which has been ruined by money. Boxing is so fixed now its ridiculous. Just for the record i went to UFC at newcastle and got dana whites autograph, and at UFC 85 i patted chuck liddell on the arm !!
  6. Certainly looks a good set up john. How much did it set you back if you dont mind? and why did you buy one of these if you already have a callmaster? Im a nosy bas*ard!!
  7. I was at a farm this morning not too far away. Ive been going there for a couple of years now, ferreting , with the airgun and lately with my rimmy. It had a major rabbit problem but over 1 winter i got them under control. It always will have plenty of rabbits on just because of where its situated but last week and again this morning i found some fox poo. I walked up a roe today but havent seen foxy as yet. I shot a few rabbits, but called in to see farmer giles to let him know i think there is a fox about. Anyway, because its a farm that is 100% crops with no livestock whatsoever on, i advi
  8. i found a great spot for chicken-of-the-wood this morning. Didnt take any as ive got dinner sorted for today, but im defo going back soon!
  9. trappa

    Squirrel 'Chaps'

    Ive never bothered with them. I think they are a last line of defence, but there is no reason NOT to use them i suppose.
  10. Some great replys, thanks. Its a howa ive ordered. Laminated stock.
  11. Get some pics up if possible, im interested. ta
  12. Doga, i was like you too. I tried the usual pies , casserolles etc and have never been keen on the "rabbit" taste. Try the rabbit massalla please! it tastes EXACTLY like chicken. The jars of such like are a really good way of helping you get you free protein if , like me and you, your not keen on the taste of rabbit. the rabbit in the george formby with the cajun dust marinade didnt taste anything like rabbit either, but was SSOOOO easy and was gorgeous.
  13. Ive ordered a new .223, and im now looking for a good mod. heard good things about the Jet Z and the T8. Any others that are good? Im all for getting the best as its a fanny on changing variation to get a better one so i want a good one on first. cheers trappa
  14. Some great easy ideas here! Im getting hungry now!
  15. SS, im not so much wanting to read about shooting tales and tips on shooting, more the technical stuff trajectory and im very interested in weight of bullet according to barrel twist, that sort of stuff ( but in laymans terms)!
  16. Got a great easy rabbit meal yesterday! Took 2 young rabbits, cut off the meat while uncooked, then i mixed it with a cajun packet of marinade- its only about 50p a packet (mixed with water and olive oil). I left it to marinade for half an hour then stuck it in the "george formby". Absolutely gorgeous, it reminded me a bit like a spicy kfc. East peasy, lemon squeezy and really tasty!
  17. As above. Im not one to do things half-heartedly. Im enjoying my shooting at the moment but want to learn more! I know the general basics on trajectory, types of bullets, twist of barrel, calibres etc etc etc im presuming there is a few books on this for someone like myself. Which has the info but also puts it over so it can be understood? cheers trappa
  18. Cz style with eley subs. Found most subs to be much of a muchness but i did get 2 misfires from remingtons, vis a vis i wont use them again.
  19. It was a classic mate. I really didnt think it would be available over the pond on video or dvd. I always imagined yanks going to the video shop buying hollywood blockbusters and the like, not 70's british comedy!! you learn something everyday!!
  20. cheers mr L. I do want to stay on the right side of the law, and most other vermin get taken pretty well with the rimmy. Like i said, it is a fox rifle im after, but if im out and drop one with time spare and i only have that one on me, i guess it would do no harm to take a couple of rabbits too!
  21. cheers ian. your right they seem a good group at cleveland, especially after reading about some of the forces on here. I didnt specifically ask for an open so it was a nice surprise. I did need it mind as i shoot all over on farms. trappa
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