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Everything posted by trappa

  1. Great result! Made 3 and a half jars of bramble jelly and it tastes amazing! I am having trouble getting photos up for some reason but im welll chuffed. It really is the best tasting jam/jelly ive ever tasted!!!!! The colour is superb and it set perfect too!!
  2. I found a plethora of woodnuts yesterday and want to collect them. I usually dry them. roast them and have them with salt but want to store some for the coming months. Anyone got a link or can give me the heads up as to what to do. Im thinking storing in salt when dried but not sure. Anyone help? cheers
  3. Just thought id share the fact im going to attempt to make bramble jelly today! Its my first time at it so not over confident. Ive collected 6lb of bramles this last few days and collected numerous scratches and cuts too. Will get some photos up today of the brambles, a bit of a "before and after"!!! and will hopefully get some up of the finished product.
  4. Great pics! Yes, they are up north, well here in cleveland ive got them on my allotment. Im trying to not use slug pellets on my garden just so i dont hurt the little fellas by secondary poisoning but my lettuces are taking a hammering by them. I reckon they are worth it though!
  5. Where are you? cheers
  6. Where are you? cheers
  7. Know exactly where you are coming from but i would have charged a bit more thats all. I get a lot of jobs through word of mouth, neighbours etc too.
  8. That is a lot of money, the robbing gits, but then i would have charged more than £50 so your a smidge on the cheap side!
  9. Cheers mate. yes, thats what they are getting now, but the eggs havent started coming properly yet. i went in the other evening and one was running around with a slow worm in its beak. im just wondering if they have been eating these as they are numerous in my allotment.
  10. Its great isnt it, bramble season is upon us! here ive had 3 bags of threequarters a pound of brambles from my allotment, but down the country lanes they still arent ready. Plenty woodnuts too but they still arent ripe enough yet. Ive got an apple pie in the oven as i type too! life is good!
  11. Hows this for a coincedence. Went down to the hens tonight and one of the light sussex is running around with a slow worm in her mouth!!!!! i caught her and took it off her and released it, it didnt seem to be that badly hurt. The wife was there too, first time she had seen one and a chicken had caught it.
  12. i will if i think on but i doubt there would be much interest in a photo of a slow worm. I wondered the other day if my new hens have ate any. They are only small and one was basking right outside my hen hut last week.
  13. Only ever seen 1 grass snake and that was when i was about 10!!! There are plenty adders round near me, a couple of years ago my dog got bit by one and nearly died. I see slow worms nearly every day on my allotment! There are quite a few, in fact i cut one in half last month when digging! didnt realise until i went back to the start of the row to re dig it and found two halves!
  14. trappa

    Harris Hawk

    We try to keep text talk to a minimum here! I cant understand half of what you write mate!
  15. Thanks again. I put them on layers pellets 2 days ago. They didnt touch the food yesterday and today they had had a little. Hopefully they will be eating properly tomorrow and the eggs should start rolling in !
  16. Never tried gherks. Ive been pickling loads this week, beetroot, onions and eggs. Loads of jars too!
  17. Personally i would bang as many traps down as possible. Most of the time i go for quality rather than quantity of traps but it sounds like you want to stick a shit load down, mole will make a mistake at some stage if your traps are set well.
  18. Ive a ase jet z and its ferckin great. Brings the sound right down.
  19. Ive been pickling loads this last week. Beetroot sliced and whole, onions and eggs but am going winkling tomorrow and was thinking about getting a load and pickling them. They must be pickleable as you can buy mussels etc in jars so whats the way to go about it? anyone?
  20. Queer you say that. I use eley subs and went to my rfd a fortnight ago for some but all he had was 50! told me to come back in a week. Went back on friday (nearly 2 weeks later) to be told he still didnt have any and to come back in a week. He has others but i like eley subs and dont really want to change.
  21. Cheers! I thought they were just fussy little sods and now i know for sure!
  22. Long story, but I recently had a lack of eggs so decided to stop giving them scraps and bread, and instead of plain corn i got a sack of the premium stuff and all went well BUT recently my hens have now decided to "cherry pick" the best of the mixed stuff and leave the plain corn! Im now getting left with plain corn every night as they are only eating the sweetcorn bits and the other goodies leaving a right mess every night scattered across the floor, which will attract rats im sure. Anyone else have this problem and what should i do?
  23. Thanks netter, i was hoping someone on here had some experience. Im not sure whether its a gimmick or not.
  24. No doubt about it , your advice was much better than mine, i couldnt be bothered to give a full write up so wanted to get the point across that getting the poison down the holes is more important than using stronger stuff, which in turn, has relevance to secondary poisoning, i just couldnt be arsed to go into detail. If we ever meet my friend, we can discuss it face to face.
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