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Everything posted by trappa

  1. Great terracing tiercel! What a fantastic job! Ossie n arch, your garden looks a cracker! Plenty veg in there!!!
  2. Jars to keep them in and a saucepan. Thats all really.
  3. Pudz is too muscly. You cant fight with that much muscle as they need too much oxygen. I said before the fight that he would gas out and was correct. He wants to concentrate on one or the other. Lose some muscle and get better cardio then why not, but until then he wont last long in the cage.
  4. try our own john b's book on traps and trapping. Its highly recommended.
  5. I was out this morning at around 6 in my van when I passed a big old roe doe at the side of the road. She had been knocked and her back end was in a right mess but she was trying to sit up at the side of the road. I went back home and got my rifle and went back and put her down as Im as soft as shite when I see something like this. The vet would have definately put her down so i figured why prolong the obvious agony. Now the area in question was near houses and i had the option of a 22lr or a 223, neither of which are cleared for deer, so i decided to go for the 22lr as i didnt want to wake
  6. ha, I will put it in the toaster now! Rhubarb and ginger jam is gorgeous! I would have done that if id had ginger in but i didnt so it was plain old rhubarb. The oldies used to make great jams and curds, it will be a shame if it dies out over the generations
  7. As above, flatpack. Agree also to avoid "big cheese", they are low quality though not as low as they used to be, they used to be shockingly bad.
  8. Just nade rhubarb jam as i have loads of the stuff and wasnt sure what to do with it. real easy to do and VERY VERY tasty! First pic is it in the pan at the start, last pic is finished result. Whos for toast and jam???
  9. cheers BT, bloody hell, thats early to sell pots! Mine are just poking through, mind you, the frosts turned a few of the greens balck this last week so thats not a bad thing!
  10. Any idea how this works? Ive read about this system but i would have thought simply filling the bin up at the start and planting the spuds at the top would be better yet the experts say to do what you say. I cant get my head around it.
  11. Never heard of it mate. Plenty of other marmalades but not onion.
  12. trappa

    Birds of prey

    Im afraid its a trait with falconers and austringers If you read through the posts you will be able to see who knows most on the specific subject/question you need to ask. I know a fair bit on hawks but nothing on falcons, and plenty on here know about falcons if thats your question. When you work out who will be best, send them a pm, it will stop any arguments that will probably ensue. Hope this helps
  13. Chimp, if its only new then do not force it or take any fruit from it this year. It needs to establish itself first. Just leave it be and water well. I made the same mistake and tried forcing some of mine when it was too young. Trappa
  14. Cheers mate. Its looking a bit sorry for itself at the moment but it will be looking good in a few weeks.
  15. Along this path im growing a hedge of raspberries. They have taken well but look like twigs still. Behind them ive got strawberries planted, this part will be the fruit garden, though at the moment ive got a few cabbage dotted about. As i take the cabbage up i will trade and plant the strawb runners
  16. great stuff! Maybe we could all put some photos up on here , might get some ideas from each other.
  17. More shallots in the foreground clos eup of dwarf french beans and cabbbage
  18. more close up of jerusalem artichoke pic 2 is Rhubarb in a pot, thats not in my garden thats in the yard. It not only looks nice in a shady corner, its practical too
  19. just got a new camera so thought i would get some pics up of my garden. Most things are just sprouting, might be nice to compare photos to some in a few weeks time. rhubarb broad beans onions
  20. Bargain there for someone. Ive got the same gun and cannot fault it at all.
  21. Ive wanted to pan for gold since i was a kid. Anyone on here do it? would love to learn the art. Is there gold in all streams but in minute quantities or only in certain areas?
  22. Im going tomorrow. I would have gone sunday as thats when the bargains will be but i cant make it sunday, plus the weather looks better tomorrow.
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