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Everything posted by LuckOrJudgement

  1. Love to see sub 12 doing the business.
  2. Personal reccomendation is the longest way round - but the best and the cheapest.
  3. More to life than money. Arthritis, heart problems.... It's all lurking round the corner.
  4. The new buzzword seems to be 'Pest Management' rather than Control. Like you say, sales skills are more important nowadays. In today's corporate world it's more about selling peace of mind and compliance rather than actually killing anything. I'll stick with my moles. In fact, when my PL next comes round for renewal I'm thinking I'll have them take rodenticides off the policy. Moles, wasps, squirrels and rabbits. Won't make me rich but sure as hell a lot less hassle and what I enjoy anyway.
  5. As Nice pix says, the fence line is the most likely place you'll catch it.
  6. I personally find I shoot better keeping the mag to a bare minimum in all circumstances.
  7. Unless youve got a contract with a customer to provide and service a trapline, it's usually 'no mole - no money' You'll struggle to get repeat business if you charge without producing. Is there a fence between the property and the fields?
  8. Depends on the product. You'd struggle to kill a cat with Ficam D - it's only 1.25% w/w. The version for ant, flea, bedbugs etc is 80% w/w.
  9. Me too. looks nice and simple. Need to be out of reach of little fingers, though. Maybe not one for the lawn.
  10. Sorry about that. I get so drunk of an evening, I shouldn't be anywhere near a phone. Apologies - I hope you aren't too angry with me.
  11. put them on the quarry!!!!! f**k!!!! Mum!!! The Pigeons!!! f**k!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. I just turn bees down flat now. Morally opposed to interfering with them in any way. Planet needs the bees and I don't need the hassle.
  13. It's beyond belief. Deer have been managed by culling for years! Just like wood pigeon. This guy is very special. Very special indeed.
  14. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/royal-family/2019/01/22/chris-packham-take-royals-task-grouse-shooting-buckingham-palace/ Well did he? If not, what a grubby little cnut.
  15. A good case in point, Si. Here's a link: https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2018/sep/20/about-1000-deer-to-be-culled-at-controversial-dutch-rewilding-park Very grim indeed. I would contend that the real sickos are those trying to impose a fluffy, idealistic world-view on us, despite contrary evidence that shows their rationale is seriously flawed.
  16. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/amp/science-environment-48315709
  17. If you peruse Google there are literally hundreds of culinary references and recipes for wood pigeon. People love eating it, and done right, wood pigeon is very fine. Foodies themselves even refer to a 'season' for wood pigeon. For something that has long been acknowledged as an abundant source of ecologically grade A meat as well as being an important agricultural pest, it's dumbfounding how sketchy the t's & c's of the GL have been. To declare an open season on woodies would be a sensible way of managing the species without the pretence and BS. After all, an entire indust
  18. I often find tunnels that are dead ends. Although I don't routinely set in them, I have caught moles from them. With a barrel or Talpex, the direction of the dead end isnt an issue, but if a single putangue is used, you have to make sure the business end is headed back to a main run.
  19. They're everywhere mate. Second most successful species on the planet after us (and because of us).
  20. I've always assumed that in my shooting, personal and professional life, I will be breaking some form of rule - be it legislation, moral or unwritten - on a regular basis. I'm sitting in a pub now and there's a table to my left with 3 couples on it, all having a drink. They're on their third round now and will very likely go around again - all booze. I know for a fact they'll drive home 3 to 4 miles, the potential personal consequences are frigging devastating, and yet theyre not agonising about it. No old bill around here, and certainly none in the woods or fields. Relax. So
  21. So the scarecrow has to be dressed in MY old clothes? Not my brother's, the farmer's or obtained from a charity shop, but mine and mine alone?
  22. I agree it doesn't help at all (although I had to smile at the woodcock in the article) The actions of a few serve to stereotype all shooters as a bunch of primitive yobs and that's not on. The issue I have with CP is his inability to recognise the service done to nature on an increasing crowded island by those who enjoy shooting sports. All the people I know who shoot live in the countryside and like me they have a deep love of nature and an interest in preserving it.
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