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Everything posted by LuckOrJudgement

  1. Well if his missus gets knocked-up after that, she must be shagging the milkman.
  2. Could be a monkey. I opened up one of the turds and found a peanut, a wing-mirror and two wiper-blades.
  3. I'll get me glue-board out and we'll see...
  4. Found in a customers garden - each about 50mm long. Does anyone know what might have dropped 'em?
  5. Trail cams are great. And a lot less controversial than gluing some random struggling little f****r to the spot till it dies of thirst/ stress/ exhaustion.
  6. Buy a trail camera and monitor areas of concern with it. Saves a lot of guess -work.
  7. If you sit down and work out the time and costs associated with trapping a single mole at x location, it becomes quite sobering. I would encourage you to do that, write it all down and then work out the hourly rate for a given tariff of charges to see if you're actually making money. My advice would be to advertise locally and do local (I am emphasising local) work at a fair price, and grow your business by offering a great service close to home. That way you won't be spending hours sat in traffic. If you do need to cover a larger catchment area however, you need to be mercilessly
  8. You want to shoulder a gun in the Airgun Centre and all the other customers have to leave or sit on the floor.
  9. I was mooching in the woods yesterday and happened upon this big-foot type thing sunning itself in a glade. I think I startled it because the creature charged at me, growling ferociously. I had no choice but to shoot it through the eyeball whereupon it fell lifeless at my feet. I didn't have a camera on me, and shortly afterwards, a huge eagle decended carried the body away. Anyway, if anyone has lost a big monkey, that's what's happened and I'm sorry.
  10. So that Porta Aim is ok with a springer?
  11. Nothing like a nice garden perm when the owners are away on holiday. Blackbirds singing on the chimney, accompanying the satisfying thwack of lead on bone.
  12. Move em on where?? Another part of the garden?? A lot of my customers have big spreads. If I pump ferret shit into the kitchen garden and the moles all decamp to the croquet lawn, I'm going to look a proper dick. A bigger one than you.
  13. You can keep harping on, but I'm never going to try it. My business depends on the moles returning again and again. The more the merrier. If I banish them for good with ferret shit I'll be out of a job.
  14. Christ, I'd be wary of that customer. Check with your insurer, and/ or the BPCA if you're a member.
  15. The carers will be along in a minute to sedate him.
  16. I know how you feel. Where I live, the c**ts work the hedgerows like something out of jurrasix park. It makes me wild.
  17. I haven't seen a single wasp since the rains arrived. But the moles have gone ballistic.
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