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Everything posted by LuckOrJudgement

  1. I used Formidor in the past, but at that time it wasn't available in a gun-dispensable packaging format. I thought the Maxforce was a more professional looking product - especially in the eyes of the customer; ie you could justify charging more for pulling a trigger than merely squeezing something out of a little bottle. That said, Formidor is definitely as good as Maxforce.
  2. It's very good on black ants , indoors and out. There is a species called the yellow meadow ant which nests in lawns - don't bother using it on those as it's useless for them. It's very important to identify the species before investing in the treatment.
  3. It will come, eventually. Just another way to suppress the simple pleasures of the working man. I wouldn't be surprised if they start licensing beach and boat rod fishing too
  4. Went to a job week or two back where the customer had bought half a dozen of those black tubes with the little hinged doors and planted them willy nilly all over his lawn. Of course, mr mole was highly amused by this, and repeatedly back-filled every single one of them. During this process he also educated himself in the art of avoiding most types of traps, including putangues, traplines and duffus, much to my frustration, as by then the householder had sought professional help. It took me 2 weeks to catch the fcuker and he eventually slipped up whilst traversing a talpex. It really
  5. https://www.thehuntinglife.com/how-to-build-a-larsen-trap/
  6. I always test fire older traps, just to make sure.
  7. Sounds like a soap-opera in the making. Underneath it all, she might be secretly in love with you.
  8. I'm struggling to keep up myself! Funny, two of my very best customers are French, and the sight of mole hills sends one of them towards a nervous breakdown and the other into an indignant rage. I'm guessing La Taupe is a national obsession over the channel...
  9. Wasps are steady here in north essex but won't be paying off the mortgage. Moles on the other hand have gone mental- must have been a good breeding season.
  10. How did it go, Gaoler? What are your thoughts on springer versus pcp? I used to enjoy my HW97 as a plinker, but for hunting and pest control it was in my opinion a complete non-starter- heavy, cumbersome to load, loud and (in my hands) not consistent enough to use on quarry. I was not sorry to see it go.
  11. If the shit hits the fan and the farmer denies knowing you, then you're effectively up for Armed Trespass, which is serious. Be careful mate.
  12. Thanks for the heads-up. They are very nicely priced too. Savings of £60 on 100 when compared to my last purchase of imports. Well done FlatPack.
  13. 8 yards from the back door is too close for my liking. As much as it pains me to say it, you need to make sure they have no access to the bird seed whatsoever and then get some rodenticide down.
  14. Dont bother with co2. It does strange things in cold weather and the power curve is horrible. The Meteor will be just the ticket out to about 25 meters.
  15. Using a pistol will just make them skittish and wary because they're simply not accurate enough for kill-shots on rats. As above, get a rifle and a half decent scope, practice at paper to the range you intend to shoot the rats and you'll be spilling blood in no time - its very satisfying and rewarding. You may even find you have a natural talent.
  16. The RWS Hobby is a great pellet at shorter ranges. The accuracy always surprises me, when you consider the aerodynamics - but its definitely a keeper.
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