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Everything posted by LuckOrJudgement

  1. Very well put. You're right. The real art in molecatching is making a viable business out of it.
  2. Lol me too. The one that gets my back up are self anointed 'gurus' who start up these 'trade associations' which are really only about self promotion at the expense of others in the form of subscriptions. Or am I being cynical?
  3. I wish him no ill-will. I don't think ours is a game that can really be taught, anyway. You only learn it through getting your hands dirty. JN has done a lot to raise the public profile of the mole catcher: I'm grateful for that.
  4. Interesting thread. Culling cormorants on a fishery would be a great gig to get. Are they a threatened species? Seems crazy there isn't a general licence for locations where they're causing economic loss.
  5. I bought one of his books years ago. Quite interesting in terms of the history of mole catching, but as a reference on techniques, not worth the paper.
  6. Im just trying to summon the balls to get out there and try and find some of mine. we got off comparatively lightly here, but that wind chill's going to be a bstard.
  7. There are still some c*^%'ts out there who think mole catching is a free service provided by village idiots who are soft in the head. I've had the "how on earth can you charge so much to catch such a small animal" from a solicitor who, in his day, wouldn't have got out of bed for less than £500 an hour. Long live the mole. Live long, lay strong and pile it up.
  8. Be a rare event if they did - but they can. Sounds like they've got plenty of worms to hold them on that patch. Get your card in to the landowner.
  9. Pests will always need controlling. It's a fact of life. But YT may decide that footage of it taking place is damaging to the brand. But I suppose that's the way YT has evolved - it's now so mainstream that the powers of this world have started to take note.
  10. don't really understand that. The likes of Robin Foxer and Squirrel Hunter are still up. They show far more despatch than Giles's channel. Wonder whats going on. Is YT cracking down on gun channels?
  11. Hardly a rabbit on my patch nowadays. Christ, you used see the youngsters jumping in and out of the verges, tons on the fields of a sunny evening, lampers banging way at night. Now, nothing. Even the roadkill is just muntjac and badgers.
  12. I watched the Fall Guy. You certainly know how to knock 'em down. Are those all sub 12 shots?
  13. They are great value and a lot of fun. Even the squirrels would agree with that. (It's the trap combs that actually piss 'em off)
  14. Hi Chaps Can anyone tell me if the pellet can be loaded into the breech for either side of the gun, and can the cocking lever be swapped to left hand operation? Many thanks, Silas
  15. I have one of these for the point blank coup de grace on live trapped squirrels. A very handy tool. I couldn't hit a barn door with it at 10 yards, though!
  16. There's been a right stir up in the media lately about the number of times airguns have been used to shoot pets and protected wild species. I listened to a phone in on local radio and have never heard so much uninformed, ignorant BS spouted by NIMBY's and other militant psycopaths in my life. Basically, they're saying that all airguns should be confiscated immediately and smelted. Some other genius was saying that every pellet should have a traceable serial number stamped on it so it can be traced back to the I D of the purchaser if recovered from a crime scene. The infere
  17. I always find 'engine-room' shots effective on rats at sensible ranges with sub 12lb It's odd because most filmed footage shows only head shots.
  18. I just looked. Yes, you can swap out the baits. There also seems to be a lot of scope for disguising and adapting the trap. Dunno how efficient the co2 is in very cold weather. It's a lot of dough to spend on a single trap that might be crap, but I've got a feeling curiosity going to get the better of me. People told me that the Trapline mole trap was a pile of doo-da and yet I rate it very highly and catch well with it.
  19. They come with a long-life 'lure', some kind of attractant in a bottle that screws into the top. I would say that would be next to useless against competing feeds and pellets. I'm wondering if that was replaced with some revved-up cat food or smoked haddock - it might make the difference.
  20. Thinking about giving one of these a spin. Has anyone been using one to kill rats? Are they any good?
  21. Lost 2 moles (and the traps!) to thieving badgers today. Or could have been fox. Anyway, I hope the un-fired end got you on the snout, you varmint!
  22. best way is incidental conversations down the boozer. start with rats. everyone knows someone with rats. shoot the rats, you'll be onto the rhino in no time.
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