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Everything posted by new2hunting

  1. yeah i heard this of me mate but i wasnt sure it was true
  2. hang it up on the washing line with the rest
  3. wow they look amazing how long did they take and what did you use???
  4. a bit of kasabian for me right now i feel an oasis moment coming on
  5. you should of kept it i liked it
  6. deodourent (spelling) as usaul chocolate , bsa lightning well got it before christmas new mobile as mine is fecked , advanced airgun hunting by j darcy and money
  7. nice to hear LL i bet you could hardly sleep last night worrying i know i would be. glad you found him all the best
  8. He is on here to sale fishing gear not spelling lessons just pointing it out and telling asking him to put some pics up
  9. some pics would generate more interest and you spelled tackle wrong mate
  10. new2hunting


    remember to boil wash all your clothes and bed sheets to kill em
  11. Lord b how much was your electric knife sharpener?
  12. nice pics not a fan of those loguns there abit of a marmite gun you either love em or hate em nice shooting anyway
  13. its hard to get permission as a teen i know as trying myself but all the best anyway
  14. what did i see? some tw@t with a beard he could really do with a shave
  15. well don't know to go about this really well baits and rigs wise it depends on where you go i.e the weight of the lead or feeder if to light it will just float away. you will also need a speiceilist rod guesting you dont have one and you will need to different setup for chub to perch and pike. i am not really fished for pike so cant give you any tips but reguarding chub and perch i suggest a heavy enough lead for the conditions and fish with worm and sweetcorn cocktail. you can also flavor the sweetcorn to make it more attractive for the fish so i would use predator plus flavoring this mig
  16. i think my mates bro has one if its what i am thinking of its a great gun and you should buy it
  17. angierooke you did the right thing a lot of people would not not bother looking his home so good on you keep us updated on if you find his home or you going to keep him. all the best
  18. thanks for the reply a lad at fishing recommended them i just wanted to see if anyone else has got them bill88 do you go hunting in them or are you just a fisherman all the best
  19. http://www.bosfish.co.uk/PRODUCTS/CLOTHING/SK001.htm
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