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Everything posted by new2hunting

  1. killing range probably about 35 to 40 yards sorry not to good at guessing distances
  2. trust me its a great gun oh i have one to
  3. well for a new one over the 200 mark but second hand probably looking about 150 i should think they are springers oh and give guntrader a try i think someones selling a lightning xl tactical on here not sure if its sold yet
  4. your probably better of buying second hand so i suggest a bsa lightning or a weihrauch (not sure i spelt that right) underlever but these are heavy go for a lightning mate lighter your arms will thank you for it
  5. duckwing thanks for the link just what me old man needed
  6. going to show me dad he will be in the shed for ages now
  7. bump mean that you bump it up to the top yeah i didnt know what this ment at first
  8. take all the wheels off their caravans so they cant move
  9. yeah jus changed to the brown one it is nice brown is the new green
  10. i could see my profile but i changed the skin not thinking it would change the layout in this case got rid of the last vistors :blush:
  11. oh and yes it is just me i think the rain stepped trough in to my brain made it all soggy :oops: :blush:
  12. yay got it back it was my skin i changed it and the last vistor disappeared ahh back to normal
  13. yes i am top of the list that means i must like you more that the rest go me well i cant see it maybe as well you cant, you will know how many times i visited in the last week i like you visiting :kiss:
  14. yes i am top of the list that means i must like you more that the rest go me well i cant see it
  15. on the side does it have all the people that last visited?
  16. hello.. i think they put something in the water
  17. or has your profile viewer thing gone
  18. thanks much better than the old one i owe you one of these
  19. nice bag mate i love fishing for big roach on light gear
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