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Kevin Davison

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About Kevin Davison

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  1. Yeah, I meant cracking her as in working on her and solving the problems. Sorry gor confusion
  2. No way past that. Mind she's stubborn, most head strong one I've had. But I'm cracking her, she will get there
  3. My first x, 12 months old. Not best picture, stands at 30tts.
  4. Yes i think it was hancock.......just like to know how hes doing. They were all bonny pups mate
  5. Yes thats right he did......think it was called jazz.
  6. He got a deerhound x greyhound pup off me around 2011. He was from arbroath and he called the pup belle. Nice fella, just wondered how he was gettin on. Ill try put a picture up
  7. Hi, anyone know how hes doing? I havent been on here for years and it seems he hasnt either. He got a bitch off me years ago and it would be nice to know how hes doing, thanks
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