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About Peadair

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  • Birthday 15/05/1962

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  1. CZ renowned for accuracy and if you get a 455 you can get interchangeable barrels. Like you I shoot for the pot and I've decided to get the CZ455 in .22 lr and buy a hmr barrel for when I want slightly longer range.
  2. Thanks David. As an aside, Do you put your.17 and .22 to different uses. I've had a couple of friends say I shouldn't bother with the .22 and just get a .17. I will be shooting for the pot and think the .17 can be too destructive?
  3. Thanks for all the input on the CZ or Savage dilemma. I've settled on a CZ. Now, I love the look of a wooden stock but am I missing something? Do synthetic stocks add consistency or accuracy? Do they make much difference? This topic has probably been discussed before but I got a bit daunted at the prospect of trawling through several hundred pages of posts!
  4. Doing all the labour myself apart from the electrics and the installation of the septic system. Swings and roundabouts on materials, but it is going to be cheaper for me to pay £600 to ship the slates over than to buy them there! Good quality double glazed windows seem to be cheaper over there, but planed timber is expensive. Oak, however is much cheaper - paid £30 for a 10 foot length of 5 x 5 from a sawmill.
  5. I presume you cut the barrel. Did it affect the balance a lot? Can't use a silencer for hunting in France. No mate , didn't cut the barrel , 16" is how it came from Cz , this was the shortest they did , a great length for shooting from inside the Landy. The 452's available online in France are all full length (nearly 25"). Not allowed to shoot from a vehicle unless you're disabled - they can confiscate your car!
  6. There is nothing really wrong with the Savage, but I just don't see it in the same conversation as the CZ. The 452 has ceased production in all but farmer versions, as far as I'm aware, and that may well have stopped now, you will still find some NEW 452 about though, not sure why as they all tended to sell quite quickly. Anyway, 455 would be my choice today but your post seems to be suggesting multi barrel for it, consider carefully before going down that route. Many options for simple/cheap trigger work on the CZ if you consider it is needed. Thanks Deker, I'm a bit wary of the
  7. I presume you cut the barrel. Did it affect the balance a lot? Can't use a silencer for hunting in France.
  8. Cheers Walshie. I'm leaning toward the 455.The Savage is a very good price, which has me wavering.
  9. So, off to France next month and I can get a Savage mark II G ( with accu-trigger) for £320 or a CZ 455 (standard) for £370. Any opinions? The CZ455 can take a .17 hmr barrel (£150). CZ 452 still widely available for around £400. Any advice welcome as it will be my first real rifle.
  10. Just got back from a quick trip to check how the winter treated it. Glad to say it's bone-dry and no worse for wear. Got a soil study done as a prelude to getting septic tank installed. Back at the end of May to finish the place and move the wife and kid over in October for good.
  11. Thanks for the info. I did wonder if the JB stuff would be suitable.
  12. Any recommendations for the type of compound to use for glass bedding a rifle? Cheers,
  13. Spoke to a firearms officer who said that I could travel from France to here with a European Pass and purchase guns of the named calibre to bring back. Sounds like a plan.
  14. I've seen mags where the cartridge base rim catches behind the cartridge under it. If that's the case then it can be avoided by loading each cartridge base first rather than tip first. Hope this helps. Check out a 30 second video on Youtube called "EZ way to load a 22LR magazine" by Steve F. You'll see immediately if this is useful or not.
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