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About Davey88

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    South Yorkshire

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  1. Morning ladies and gents - wondered what you all use? I’m not bothered about a tapered coursing type, just a thick strong webbing job with quality buckle and ring if anyone can point me in the direction of anything decent? Cheers.
  2. Have you had much luck with this mate? I'm after one I can put mackerel through where the skins wont clog.
  3. I've had Meindl for years and have got the Burma Pro at the minute and cant fault them. Not saying that they're the best as I haven't tried them all but I cant fault them.
  4. Very nice, have you bent any of them? And any chance of seeing them finished?
  5. I've always shot rifles of any kind in a scientific way (so writing down hold overs) but have always been instinctive with a catty and never bothered, just fired a lot of bits of lead and got a feel for things. Not saying that this is the best way to go about things, just my take on it.
  6. Could be just what I'm looking for - any chance of a pic please?
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