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Everything posted by breeze

  1. Phil.... You will have to dig out your old shirt and slacks again pal, I'm sure you would enjoy the afternoon
  2. Tomo.... How did you get on at Belvoir mate ?
  3. I ain't really a lover of the Saluki types, But that pup looks a picture Fuji
  4. What no starter or pud... Didn't push the boat out too far did ya... Lol
  5. Lovely looking hounds, but maybe a touch too big for me. Often thought a bitch like yours Charts with a nice type of grew over her would produce a handy animal imo
  6. Jeemes. How did that eat mate.? I recently bought half a lamb for the freezer and the neck of lamb was cut into 3 but I gave the lurcher bitch a treat
  7. Downsouth... Did you find a fox ? Can't imagine digging to a terrier in a pair of crocs... Lol
  8. Gnipper... They look cracking mate, you could of cut one open for us tho
  9. 400 notes ain't too bad for a well reared pup imo Not really my type, but the lightest of the 3 fawns would be my pick
  10. Jeemes.... I see you like a bit of bread with your butter don't ya mate.. Lol
  11. Gnipper... What did you use on the roof ? Looks tidy mate
  12. Really sorry to read this Ray....
  13. Arry..... Bloody sprouts again mate Rest looks top notch
  14. Looks cracking again Arry...... But I don't do sprouts
  15. Ain't took the camera that many times this season due to it being damp most times, here's a few pic's that managed to get
  16. Dodger.... Would that of been Brian ellis's black bitch Fly ?
  17. Charts.... Watched the young lad last night, did you see his quarter final game with Aspinall ? Came out 1st leg to do a 9 dart game.... Unbelievable
  18. Bloody hell mate... If there anything like my 2 lads you've got another 20 yrs yet... Atleast... lol
  19. Smithie.... Nice one mate, 5 from 50 yards can't grumble at that Great write up by the way
  20. Fuji.... Wasn't that fawn youngster litter brother to Boots that you owned as well ?
  21. Lovely Arry..... What type of cheese you got ?
  22. Looks a cracking coat.... But imagine snagging it on barbed wire 1st time out, I reckon I'd actually cry... Lol
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