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About Jackbullx

  • Rank
    Born Hunter
  • Birthday 31/05/1991

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  1. Hi everyone not to sure if this is the right section so I apologise in advance I have a Barney bred saluki greyhound 14 months old, she's a very chancy bitch and I am really gutted but due to work I am finding myself having to sell her I am gutted about this but don't have any other choice if anyone would be interested pm me thanks jack
  2. Amazing looking dog couldn't imagine getting rid of mine, must be hard all the best mate
  3. The ban will never be lifted all just talk
  4. My bullx name is bear and my pressas name is red
  5. Blinding gesture not enough people like yourself around mate
  6. Bulldozer is the best there is, my mate is running a bitch from Barney not sure on the dam will find out nice looking dog, superb runner
  7. Big old bull grey No dramas ?
  8. Some good choices there I think hares would probably be 2nd before foxes pre ban obviously, but like you say fallow is a great catch
  9. I did hear about the woolly mammoths being a bit of a hand full, my personal favirote is haggis I love lamping them brilliant chase lol
  10. ive got a pup here around the same age I haven't lamped him but what I have done is let him see an older dog catch and let him play with dead bunny 1st time I did it he carried all the round the fields right chuffed about it tail pricked up the lot it all adds up in my eyes Sounds pretty similar to what I'm doing with him at the moment he's very alert when we are out, give it a few months and I will probably be slipping him with the other dog see how things turn out mate
  11. Just a random topic to keep people interested whilst the season is off, I know different dogs are bred in certain ways to catch different quarry, but what is everyone's favirote, and for what reasons
  12. I suppose the dog knows it's game on when the lamps out good dog
  13. Lovely little pup mate good luck
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