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Everything posted by andy212

  1. Try on ebay! or type on search in top right hand corner wrecking crew dvd sure this a fella on hear that sells dvds! Mrpitt or someone like that!
  2. What's on your mind?

  3. could do with a holiday over to dubai to me cousin right now!

  4. like the look of juno! all the best with them!
  5. craig he is lookin well better now after you knocked some weight off him!
  6. lookin good lad! and your birds nails 2
  7. is never movin houses again!

  8. bull x free to a good workin home!

    1. priceyo


      were are you [bANNED TEXT] !!

  9. 3\4 grey 1/4 bull (staff) needs a working home!

  10. good day out with gos! all need now is a good nite out with dogs! :)

  11. This is my 3! the two black 1s are brother and sister and other ! is a 3/4 grey 1/4 bull
  12. more snow in liverpool again :(

  13. good start to a nights lampin!!

  14. off out with gos for a few hrs!!! :)

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