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David stockwell

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About David stockwell

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter

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  1. Was up the west coast of scottland last year fishing stranraer Ayr way pepple saying there was a big cat aboot full of shite
  2. A mate of mine had a bitch that done it all got down to long tails easy for her size
  3. No better feeling than you r first kill with the catty all the best with the shooting to come
  4. Got the pink thick there gzk shaped after 30 40 shots shooting some green set at the minute and there not the best like
  5. Whos breeding the best deerhound greyhouns
  6. Any ferrets for sale in the North East ?
  7. No bother if any one has will they inbox me with it
  8. Is there any good bone men in Newcastle area ?
  9. Don't fish salmon on the Tyne myself but its well knowing for it
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