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Everything posted by Billybigfish

  1. your right mate, and the amount of times we lost ferrets to fox in rabbit holes
  2. fcuk sinn fein theyre just annoyed that all the gun running and funding from the usa has stopped
  3. Dream on fISHY LOL i was banned from USA after 1979 revolution do you think I give two fucks about Trump LOLits his influence over GB and Europe that will affect you though
  4. trump will be the saviour of our western ways and the free world we used to live in before judge by social media and lefty snakes
  5. flame grilled steaks with chips, or venison burgers with cheese and tomato relish with garlic cubed potatos
  6. just strengthens trumps policies morroco isnt banned. libya too. trump is all show. soon will be, again the religion of rest in piece
  7. drop by 1 percent balls, its been them and the remoaners signing it, with knob geldoff and silly allen heading it
  8. trump welcome here, he can even stay at my house
  9. 700000 outa 65 million isn't a big majority, it's the noisey lefty minority as usuall crying again, the big silent majority who voted for brexit will be happy that he's coming here.
  10. Shocking!! There's way more than 700,000 retards in this country and that was only in 2 estates in Birmingham with the Isis flags up on the lampposts
  11. exactly, there's no deterrent for them, the fecking lefty boats sit 20 miles off the Lybian coast picking up boat loads and taking them to Italy, now the traffickers just say aim for the big boat and they do the rest. No deterrent at all. 20mm cannon buzzing from the big boats soon put a stop to it
  12. wogs ruin places like the tribes they left behing thats how they operate.their under orders to ghettoize areas near dole offices,doctors surgerys,ect..not to intergrate with the locals,enoch powells words proved it.his words defo came true. Like bacteria self multiplying inside a host trying to take over
  13. My own granny still has her ration books from ww2 and her families I'd cards among a few other things from 30s and 40s belfast
  14. America is in safe hands, Europe is not, but soon will be, you'll see a lot of lefty media coverage soon trying the usuall con that the leftys are gona win. The people know different though
  15. and Norway, them Norwegian Dave fellas shouting thors snack bar whilst killing infidels
  16. 2 greats of modern society is Nigel farrage and Donald trump. Stopping the leftards in they're devious tracks
  17. Donald trump to me and others means freedom, and patriotism and the saviour of the west, long live the king
  18. Billybigfish


    Any of see the interview on Aussie tv where they show Marciano talking about Ali?
  19. there's a woman/beast called Judy Hewitt who loves her fox hunting and would happily rehome your dog. Daft antis
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